Scrapping Ontario’s SEX ED Curriculum Causes Marxist Snowflake Meltdown!

The controversy continues
over the Ford government’s plan to revert to an older version of Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum as Ontario schools will go back to teaching the same sex-ed curriculum they did in the late 1990s this fall after the province's new government announced Wednesday it was revoking an updated version brought in by the previous regime.
In this video
Leigh Stuart of Press For Truth attended a rally in Ottawa that was protesting the Ontario government’s plan to repeal the current sex ed curriculums where she was called a nazi and a fascist for defending Ford’s decision to repeal the liberals “updated” sex ed program.
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Studies say less than 0.5% of the population is transgender, yet their issues are so disproportionally represented in politics. Possibly to avoid real issues that actually affect everyone in society?
Seems like everyone to the right of BS Bernie Sanders is a nazi and fascist these days.
Can we just have a civil war already?
We have 8 billion rounds.. The other side doesnt know which bathroom to use..
votes me plz