Troubling Times Ahead For The Canadian Economy! - What You Need To Know

Is the Canadian dollar heading for failure
and if so how can you protect yourself from a potential crash?
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with John Sneisen of World Alternative Media about the current state of the Canadian economy and how you can take responsibility for your own money before it's to late.
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As always, cryptocurrency is the answer.
Most economies of the world are in massive trouble - the banksterpoliticians have been papering over the problem since 2008! Printing funny-money and kicking the can down the road!
Every Fiat currency is headed to zero, like every Fiat currency before it. Markets can only stay irrational for so long and every asset eventually return to its intrinsic value.
The US is technically bankrupt, and heavily reliant on the goodwill of international banking in order to stay alive. Canada is not there yet. BUT, our economy is so linked to the US that there is no doubt we'll all fall like dominoes if they do. The only solution is to distance ourselves from the US - and every other country in the world should do the same. Then we can stand back at a safe distance and watch as the US goes down. BUT is there enough time left? THAT is the question.
Just move all your money over to STEEM. ;)
What money? I owe I owe, off to the bank I go. To pay my bills then Im broke. Lol I joke i joke.
Economy looking shifty there and in every country especially USA the markets and currencies gotta come crashing down soon I'd say
Wow brother, excellent post charm me! Vote for my comment, you would be helping me a lot, thanks
Thanks for write up keep it up
Thanks for the great insight @pressfortruth, always appreciate your coverage of Canadians. As always keep up the excellent work.
Awesome stuff!