Happy independence day to Nigeria

in #news7 years ago


Nigeria has failed us in all ramifications. Sadly we never chose to be part of this, we were born into her.
As we mark another independence day celebration, although we have nothing to celebrate, we have the opportunity to express ourselves, our Ideal Nigeria. Write what your dream Nigeria should be and how we could achieve it. And put the hash tags #mydreamnigeria and #NaMyHandEDey. You could also take a picture and write as well.
E.g My name is Prince Wilfred.
I dream of a nigeria where there would be jobs for every youth if only nigeria leaders would build industries.
#mydreamnigeria #NaMyHandEDey

Pls Share this to every Nigerian you know. Come 1st of October lets start by having that mindset of making a difference with our dreams and how they could be actualized.

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