Liberally Losing It - Wild Accusations, Media Bias, Better Than Nixon

in #news6 years ago

Jeong NYT Racist

Sara Jeong is the pinnacle of liberal psychosis. An untalented bigot being protected by the New York Times. If this doesn't wake up the normal people, I don't know what will. Her stream of bile and hate has been pasted around the internet for all to see.

Time to dive into the cesspool of Proggie degenerates. Join me, won't you?

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

GilipollasGrande - indicted or not, trump is a criminal co-conspirator

Says the guy that has temper tantrums every other minute. Oh, do GO ON.

GilipollasGrande - weird, trump isn't tweeting about job numbers

LividLimpwrist - I hate this man, and I don't hate many.

Could've fooled us, all you talk about is how much you hate things. Makes you think he's going to fall over from a heart attack when some poor kid gets his burger order wrong at the local fast food joint.

LividLimpwrist - in that tweet he's basically saying all media but Fox News is the enemy of the people
LividLimpwrist - if it's all fake, show us your fact checking

Biased media is the enemy of anyone who loves freedom. Not presenting a balanced view, pushing one particular pantsuit queen for instance, makes it not news anymore -- but propaganda. Liberals just don't understand this, at all. They think every station spewing Team Blue slogans is the "BEST THING EVARRRR".

GilipollasGrande - Well, yeah. Nixon at least wasn't conspiring with a foreign power to undermine the entire country.

[Citation Needed] -- if it is SO cut and dried, why hasn't Mueller found anything? That's right... because in the words of Strozk -- "There's no there THERE". The lefties are going to go into foaming-at-the-mouth fits when he wraps up the investigation, and there's no impeachment.

LividLimpwrist - Trump does have that going for him. Took him well under two years to be considered worse than Nixon.

Looking at the popularity polls, he's way more popular than Nixon ever was. He also is swinging the Black vote, which should scare Team Blue to death. Just wait until mid-terms, its going to be the same bullshit "Dems are gonna SWEEP it" -- until they don't, because once again their metrics are disconnected from reality. Just like the 2016 election.

UsefulIdiot - it really is pitiful how much Americans have internalized that unions are awful

You mean the same unions that allow shiftless workers to extort wages their companies can't even afford to pay for? They've been hampering the auto industry for YEARS, which is why foreign imports started to eat their lunch for them. But leave it to a liberal to go all FEELS versus reality.

Again my eyelids feel like heavy weights and I keep nodding off. Must be the lack of oxygen in this chat room from all the proggie idiots blathering away.

Until next time...

(If you're confused what this is all about, read this introduction - Link )