# 178: Science Highlights Daily | 2019-02-07
This is a curated articles about the latest discoveries in science and interesting articles tackling technology and society.
Recommended time between smear tests could increase thanks to HPV test: Clare Wilson
Bees can pass a simple maths test but they might just be cheating: Sam Wong
Coastal catastrophe looms larger as sea level forecasts creep upwards: Michael Le Page
It now costs more to make bitcoin than the cryptocurrency is worth:
Producing a single bitcoin now costs $4060 on average, but it is currently valued at less than $3500
How Earth’s changing ecosystems may have driven human evolution: Michael Marshall
Trump wants to end HIV infections by 2030 – here’s how to do it: Chelsea Whyte
The truth about generations: Why millennials aren’t special snowflakes: Amelia Tait
Deep-sea mining could wreck the last unexplored ecosystem on Earth: Olive Heffernan
Gum disease and Alzheimer’s: Your questions answered: Debora MacKenzie