# 185: Science Highlights Daily | 2019-02-14
This is a curated articles about the latest discoveries in science and interesting articles tackling technology and society.
Robot mimics desert ants to find its way home without GPS: Donna Lu
No plugs needed: How wireless charging could set electric cars free: Michael Le Page
Breast pumps may introduce harmful bacteria to babies’ gut microbiome: New Scientist Staff and Press Association
Smart skin sticker could detect asthma attacks before they happen: Donna Lu
Unhappy Valentine’s: Why bad memories of your ex are so hard to shake: David Adam
Slime-fighting slug can superglue enemy frogs to trees for days: Michael Le Page
The US plans to launch swarms of attack drones from robo-submarines: David Hambling
AI has helped rescue children trafficked for sexual exploitation: Donna Lu
Universal income study finds money for nothing won’t make us work less: Joshua Howgego