CU Historian Looks Back on "Worst President Ever" Donald Trump

in #news4 years ago

At this point in the electoral process, the continuing refusal of Donald Trump to concede to President-elect Joe Biden calls to mind a classic song by Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks: "How Can I Miss You When You Won't Go Away?"

Nonetheless, University of Colorado Boulder professor Thomas Zeiler firmly believes that Trump's presidency is history — and because that's his academic specialty (he's the former head of CU Boulder's history department and currently directs the international affairs program), he knows whereof he speaks.

Yet Zeiler also admits that Trump's time in office has surprised him in at least one substantial way. While the professor went on record early in predicting that Trump would be a terrible president, and later dubbed him the lousiest American commander-in-chief ever, he acknowledges that he didn't expect just how bad Trump would be.

"It did get worse," Zeiler says. "I never thought he'd grow into the job. I thought he'd continue being Donald Trump, because he's not a very educated or smart guy. But at some point, I thought the position might stop overwhelming him and he would look with some pride at being the leader of the country — especially when the pandemic hit and he called himself a wartime president. But by his very nature, he wasn't capable of that, and he proved to be incompetent in so many ways."

In 2017, prior to Trump's inauguration, Zeiler helped coordinate a Westword survey of colleagues in the CU Boulder history department about the worst presidents of all time and Trump's chances of joining the list. At the time, Zeiler thought Trump had excellent odds of doing so — and while historians typically prefer to let plenty of time pass before coming to a definitive determination, he told us a year later that Trump had already achieved this discreditable goal.

Nothing that's happened since then has changed his mind. He references Biden's comment "Man, you're the worst president in history" during the pair's initial debate, which "turned off so many people I know who were more likely to vote for him," Zeiler says. "That was really the clincher."