The Factions Within The British Empire

in #news7 years ago

The British Empire

The Factions Within the UK.

The UK is similar to the USA in that it has a Deep State, a Zombie Corporate Press & a paralysed legislature.

It has also been assumed that The Queen pays no part in UK politics or Geopolitics but
the Tory Party appear to having a battle with someone who could be very well connected.
This could be opposition to the Global Banker Government.

As the Cameron criminal cartel left the Tory Party with a policy of creating Chaos & Destruction it is unclear which faction is promoting this policy.

Similarly to the USA, it is assumed by casual observers that the vocal Corporate Media & the Banker Elite have control of the country but this is only an illusion which they conjure up.
The power of the media in this current situation has become reversed.
They have lost the ability to string a constant narrative together to indoctrinate the population.
The only people left who follow the MSM narrative are now the MSM themselves & those politicians paid to repeat the lies & propaganda.

We also seem to have a lot of Soros type influence coming from the United Nations as they continue their plan to Rule The World.
They have implemented an education curriculum into our schools which is blatantly; multi ethnic, anti Christian, multi gender, anti family & promoting paedophilia as normal.

So while chaos & destruction reigns in our Western Corporate States, the United Nations is covertly taking over our societies with Sanctuary Cities from within our bureaucracies.

The British Empire is at a fork in the road as it decides whether to carry on with a War & Fraud economy or take the Asian route to peace & prosperity.
The Tory Party have appear to have opted for a roundabout.


The Movement for Universal Justice & Democracy