This is The Most Historic Event in 700 Years

in #news7 years ago (edited)


700 years of Western history is changing now.
We are witnessing the attempted overthrow of the Rothschild World Economy which controls 165 countries through its’ Central Banks which are then controlled by the Bank of England, which is the City of London world “Mother Bank.”
The current battle in the USA by President Donald Trump against the Obama/Clinton/Soros Shadow Government is a battle that should be watched carefully by all in the UK & Europe
Because the chaos in America today will happen in the EU & the UK in the near future.
This battle between The Globalist New World Order & The Nationalist Donald Trump is a last chance for humanity to control its’ own Destiny.

Plans by The New World Order include;
A five year recession to destroy the western economies.
Main Stream Media disinformation & agitation to create racial civil war.
The imposition of Martial Law with the UN Military.
The Mass Murder of 3billion people to cut down the world population.
The use of paid agitator groups to start riots.
The Main Stream Media attacking, deriding & destroying all people who are Nationalists;
Trump, Corbyn, Farage, Putin. Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders etc.

The Globalists want to create a World Banker Government which they control.
They will destroy all opposition using the Main Stream Media to incite violence, by accusing Nationalists of being “Racist.”
You are being lied to a thousand times a day by The Evil Main Stream Media.

Know your enemies; The Corporations, The Main Stream Media & The Criminal Bankers.