Feel bad about the people in Venezuela

in #news8 years ago

The poor people in Venezuela are starving and basically living off mangoes. Imagine almost an entire country starving to the brink of violence. People there are seemingly trapped in a hopeless situation. But this is nothing new. Look at the other many starving countries which you already know the names I am sure. But this is something new to me it seems like these people over there were really caught off guard. Not many seemed prepared for what is happening. You see clips of them just wandering around streets and stores just shell shocked and very hungry. My heart goes out to them. All humans everywhere have an emphatic nature without it we are maybe lost? What can I do well I can write this article for one thing and reach out to the steemit community not for donations but for any attention they can afford to this very bad situation. If you think about it, it could easily be us starving over there. I am thankful that at least they have mangoes. For it is at least something. This article is my mango to feed the tiny space in whoever is hungry and feel the message I am putting forth to any open hearts and minds to any steemers even to consider how far or close we are all from disaster. Not to scare or bring you down but to uplift you with energy and appreciation for whatever or where ever you may be within the space of time and within the area of your world. Take a moment to think what you would do and then make a plan to prepare in what answers you develop? If you can reach out to anyone you think could help the people over there in Venezuela? Maybe you can help by researching a solution. AND SO I SAID ALL THAT TO SAY THIS:

I think we can solve most any problem in the world big or small by using a simple method I like to call steembath.
What this is all about is a simple problem solving method. You can solve any problem not by adding solutions but cleaning away the actual problem? Once we find the true problem we can eliminate it or at least start to work toward elimination. steemit gives us a forum to steembath problems never before available quite like this on this scale, I don't think at least? Together we can brainstorm to solve the worlds problems . So what is the problem in Venezuela? I would have to guess not enough food? But the root problem may go much deeper than that? Maybe the world needs build more farms instead of anything else so take away everything unnecessary and start farming Venezuela If you know anything helpful to add go ahead and throw it forward? I say more farms or at least more food. Well this is my start and where I am at. I wish the world luck as I keep trying to help as much as I can. steem on.


I like your ideas :)
You should include photos next time! I feel like that will help you get your point across. I hope that more people in venezuela will join Steemit :)
Try websites like
For free stock photos!

Thanks this is helpful, I like pure thought quick download brain to brain ideas where the readers search their souls and I aim to get them to go out their and seek those images for themselves (for it is already in the hearts of those I am writing for) which are all the same once you've seen one heart breaking picture of children and old people dying of poverty and hunger whats new under the light of the day we find ourselves in? I want to take those images and wipe them away with ideas for solutions but I see your point and I applaud you for your input. You by commenting so perfectly have now instructed the true human beings interested in others and in the furture of all humanity to seek those images and in that find the solutions for themselves. I can only start the bath but each steemer must act by their own human spirit and love to get in there and wash away the worlds problems. One problem at a time or not. To clean or not to clean that is the baptizing of the truth of the potential of all mankind. It is great for each to care for himself and his own but it is even greater to care about the world around us once we are stabilized because it is only part of being a true human and not just another beast of burden. This is our worth. This is our greatest hope. Not to be preaching but to to only tell others what I would do, NOT what I want you to do? This is what I love about true humanity. There is a lot of true human beings willing and able to help. As the steem rises it can cleanse the earth nation by nation in a peer to peer system of hope, love and mutual respect. Nothing else is worth promoting. You can run but no one can hide from truth which is we need other humans? No Gods, no religion at this level I am speaking only of the spark within you no matter your beliefs ----it is there or you would not happen and nothing would happen.

I'm a venezuelan who could forsee the problem and left in 2001. I've since been looking for the answer and it's really simple: new brains.

I like your style. solves everything.