RUSSIA meets AMERICA physcally @ G20 summit, all the topics between presidents listed below

in #news7 years ago

1.jpg17264529_873102949497770_3227758896234814620_n.jpgWhat to watch for:
•Trump and Putin's highly anticipated meeting happens today
•Trump will meet Mexico's leader shortly after
•Planned protests are happening in Hamburg around the G20 summit. More than 100 police officers were injured Thursday night

actually ,
When Trump met Putin: "We look forward to a lot of very positive things... It's an honour to be with you." #G20.So glad Putin and Trump finally met for the first time face to face at the G20 in Hamburg. Only that's a big bold lie. During the campaign Trump bragged about the two meeting in the Green Room on the set of 60 minutes. And Trump had beauty pageants in Russia and Putin's held power for 17 years.
Might they have also met previously in Russia. Trump depends heavily on loans from Russian banks, and Putin has a very close eye on all those transactions.
Trump plays us for chumps with his constant lying and our media is too stupid to report the facts correctly. All of this is 100 percent true

I am becoming a more careful reader than I used to be before the media and the current Administration went to war. The Guardian has a reasonably good reputation (English speaking media) and yet they could not resist inserting in their "wrap up of the G20 meeting) that "Putin's government is implicated in the murder of journalists". Says who? and how relevant is it to the joke other than making Trump complicit somehow? Trump is a disaster that happens wherever he goes, why provide him him w, ammunition for another tweet? ....and the media ( from sleazy tabloids to respected long sheets) consistently does just that. Shitty editors or greed (more headlines/bigger profit) ?

Trump's meeting with Putin shows the president's inexperience and the extent to which his personal problems get in the way of governing the country effectively. In trying to control the message Trump set up a meeting in which the only accounts of what was actually discussed can be easily massaged by the president but at the same time gave Putin the opportunity to construct his own narrative that completely refutes Trump's version of events. If the issue is credibility and Trump has none then any version of events has to be taken at face value. The meeting accomplished little other than provide photo ops for the devoted masses of each leader.
All jokes aside, I rarely post anything on poitics apart from memes. But this video got to me - its a damn beauty to watch.
Dont be lazy, follow the link, watch the 1 minute 20 sec video they have there and come back.
I watched it at least 5 times.
I am not pro- for any of these guys, but I just want to compare how they position themselves as public speakers and compare the things they say in this brief exchange.
Trump is almost excited, he is sitting on the edge of the chair, in a pretty open chest first posture.
What does Trump say? Something with the a lot of "very very" "talks" and "good". And ends it with "its AN HONOUR"
Putin is sitting in a more protective but self assured posture with wide spread hands deep in the chair. looking on the side.
What does Putin say?
He emphasizes 2 things with tone of voice - their in person meeting is overdue because telephone talks are not enough and puts stress specifically in resolving most pressing foreign affairs, obviously implying regions like Syria and so on.
Also, the intrepreter doesn't relay the points of Putin's emphasis at all, as well as mistranslates his opening reference. Putin said to Trump "Uvajaemi gospodin President" which just means "Dear Mr President" and not at all "Your excellency" as the intrepreter put it.
We knew this would happen. Trump feebly tries to satisfy pundits by bringing up election hacks and Putin denies it. What does Trump do? What we knew he would. Just lets Putin get away with it and "Move on." What a complete wuss! And notice that Putin hardly makes eye contact with Trump. Oh have we been played and this is just going to get worse. Dick-tators, Prick-tators and Good ole boys doing a circle jerk!


Many great things are happening. Look at Syria. Look at Soros.