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RE: Looks like World War 3 coming for us All ! What are You doing to Stop this Evil that wills the Destruction of Everything ?

in #news7 years ago

Well said. After many decades involved in politics as a grass roots activist I am very cynical about the prospects for peace. I was in Hyde Park in March 2003 along with a million others protesting the imminent US/UK illegal invasion of Iraq yet Iraq was still destroyed and a million people killed in the carnage that ensued.

At the moment a huge responsibility rests upon one person who has spent most of his career protecting billionaire oligarchs. Putin can give into Trump and let him bomb Syria. In which case the conflict is in grave danger of rapidly escalating from a regional to open super power conflict.
Putin could also stand up to Trump and tell him that Russia will shoot down any US/Israeli missiles fired at Syria.
The history of appeasement in the 1930s shows that not standing up to an aggressor nation only emboldens it leading to a much greater conflict down the line.
I share your disillusionment with all political systems and the way that most people let themselves be manipulated by propaganda.


Great comment @saltycat, you are so right to cite the infamous period just prior to the outbreak of the 2nd world war as indeed there are huge parrallels to be seen and made here ! With a single man being hounded by multiple aggressors and been given no quarter or place in which to find saftety from their sabre rattling and negative rhetoric to the public ! Assad did not surely commit this last gas attack, if he didnt thatn its clearl who did no ?? As for protesting in the streets to prevent these criminals, I fear it will take much more than that to stop them ! Putin will not back down to these sickos, as he knows full well if he does then the madness will continue ! Maybe time to go into all of our political control centers, once deemed to be democratic by us and pull out these worms and throw them to the birds ?

Lets us hope Putin does not back down. He is being boxed into a corner on the economic, political and military fronts.
I agree with your last comment. Our so called democratic political system is dysfunctional and fails to represent the interests of most ordinary people.
Keep up the good work.