An invasion long planned...who will come to the rescue?

in #news6 years ago

Hello Steemers,
How are You all?

I would like to share my thoughts with you.
You can be purple, yellow, green, I don’t care as long as you don’t stop me from being free and don’t force me to adopt a certain philosophy with which I don’t agree with. If a little green alien told you not to listen to music because in his world its forbidden. What would you say?
Then I asked myself: have people lost their mind unable to see what has happened to Europe or what remains of the European sovereign countries.

Immigration is necessary. It has always been.
European countries suffer from what I call a post second World War trauma. Let me explain. After war, atrocities committed by Nazis on Europeans lands during WWII paved the way for these governments and people to become liberal, accepting people from all origins, cultures and tradition which is, by itself, an amazing step in our civilization. No more antisemitism, no more racism. But national identities were strong because you had to defend your country against a potential enemy.

During the 50s, and as Europe was renovating its infrastructure, electricity grid and industries, Europe needed workers they didn’t have. So the flow of immigrants started in slow motion filling the gaps when needed. Immigrants were integrating themselves pretty fast, speaking the native language of the country and the nation was the priority. How can I contribute to my country? They were patriots and it was a feeling above all.
At the beginning of the 80s, immigration took a step forward, letting the doors wide open to anyone. North Africans and Middle Eastern brought with them their values but unlike Polish and Portuguese, they never accepted to follow ours.

After 2000, immigration tripled to reach a point where Europe could not ingest more migrants. Europe biggest port of entrance are Italia and Greece. They have been overflowed. Greece tried to deal with Europe saying they would accept more migrants if Europe would finance the cost of receiving these migrants or clears out their debt. 2015, at the peak of the European migrant crisis, Europe Marine Corps started hunting smugglers in international water off the coast of Libya. The operation name was ‘Sophia’. Migrants who were lucky enough to make it on land were placed in Camps such as the one in France called ‘The Calais Jungle”. But violence emerged with fights, theft and harassment of Calais’s residents.
I often wondered why the rich Muslims countries such as SA, UAE, Kuwait don’t receive more migrants? Simply because they want to protect their countries and citizens.

For the sake of liberalism and morality, mosques were built by the hundreds. Nonetheless, those migrants were confined in ghettos which allowed radicalization to infiltrate the younger generations, brainwashing them with the idea of the Holy war, teaching them that Islam will rule and that all Kuffar must die. But the European societies were moralist more than realistic. Violent acts on rightful citizens were never condemned, justice was blind, and Europeans were treated unfairly to the point where every denunciation of violent acts committed by Islamists were denied. We were the one called racists.

Before I am being called a racist let me explain something. A Muslim will integrate himself in a society. An Islamist wont because is life is driven by his religion and his faith will override any government or constitution. Iran is a perfect example of how a religious run government can change people’s life.

Let me resume a bit what the highest Islamic Clerics stands for and what they teach to kids.
They do not accept any other religion, they are homophobic, anti-Semitic and prey for the death of Israel. Woman barely have any rights or freedom, they have to hide themselves by being fully veiled, are beaten to death for barely nothing and gang raped. And as punishment, men’s heads and arms are being chopped for stealing. Unfortunately, this reminds me of the Middles ages. These behaviors are reminiscent of savages and do not reflect our modern societies. This is another world, that us, as Westerners do not understand.
Should we even accept that human rights are being violated? Where is the UN? Even for the glory of being liberal and moralist, I do think we should accept Islam’s point of view of imposing those above mentioned barbaric attacks on humans.
And after all, should I trust a religion that is in war within itself for over 1300 years between Sunni and Shiites. Some will argue that Christians and Protestants waged a war, but I argue it only lasted for 50 years or less.

It is not the first time Islam tries to invade Europe which they failed at it stopped by Charles Martel near Poitiers, France (732AD).
It is not the first time Western or Christian civilization tries to stop Islam from rising. Crusaders were sent to win a religious war. They knew already at this time Islam was a danger.
But this time, it is different. Islam took advantage of liberalism, abused it (a lot of people are still being blinded) and is about to win a war they have long planned.

With the help of the liberal moralist European head of States and now European Union leaders, Islam has infiltrated the Occidental countries planning on imposing their rules, values and identities.

There are now countless accounts of this invasion and violence. First and foremost, Islam wants to impose sharia laws. They pray at airports, in the streets and roads, stopping all traffic but most importantly stopping my freedom of using road that are made specifically for cars. Unreported or denied by the media, the no go zone where police and firefighters cannot even enter.

In France, Jewish community suffers as well. Rabbis were stabbed right onto their doorsteps. More than 900 Churches were vandalized during the past 3 to 4 years and a French judge gave a terrorist €500 because his privacy was not respected:

On the other side, only a handful of Churches were built in the Middle East. And all over the world, Christians are being exterminated by Islamist in brutal fashion:

Even Angela Merkel stated lately that Germany has fail to integrate the immigrant community. But again nothing is done to prevent further damages and protect our Democracies and Republics.
A Canadian interview shows an Islamist telling the journalist Islam will rule the country in the next 2 decades. Invasion is rooting like a tree. For a fact, most of the major cities in UK are run by Islamic mayors and videos show crowds in London yelling that the English land belongs to them. In Birmingham, during Ramadan, they destroyed cars going through the mosque's street in order to block it so they can finish praying.
Sweden is a perfect example of failed immigration policies. Among other, Swedish complain about migrants abuse of welfare and crimes. Very compelling and powerful video below:

Bear in mind that, probably 85% of all terrorist’s attacks for the past 40 years were perpetrated by Islamists. How many Islamic terrorist groups did declare Jihad? Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Nusra, AL Shabaab. And those are just a few among the hundreds.

Islam is not compatible with governments run nations. They don’t assimilate and turn our lands in battlefields.

What happens now. Nationalism is rising throughout Europe. People start being scared and fed up with these constant attacks on our Freedom. Meanwhile, Hungary wants to close its border but European Parliament won’t let them do.
Austria is considering closing 7 mosques; with the newly elected nationalist Prime Minister Salvini, Italia wants Imams to read Quran in Italian. Sweden is considering sending back migrants to their countries of origin. These are open people but they have had enough with Islam.

Imams are directly involved with radicalization because they are the center piece of the community. I also believe the world’s Muslim community is not reaching out to fight and condemn extremism. They need to stand up. I follow on Twitter an Imam. He is very vocal about Islam, very funny, sarcastic but very real about his religion. Imam Tawhidi states Islam is not the constitution of the world. You can find him of every major social media.

Unfortunately, I see exactly the same pattern emerging in North America. First in Canada. But now they try to invade the United States of America. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are only the first line of attack. They use the same strategy as in Europe to infiltrate the Land. They will play the race card, blame it on capitalism and Jews. Both are often surrounded by Linda Sarsour, an extremist financially backed up by CAIR and The Muslim Brotherhood. She would enforce sharia laws in a heart beat. And again Liberals helped paved the way to elect them in Congress. Very dangerous move I think.

Pay attention Americans. More Muslims are applying for mayor than ever. They will complain about everything because they find evrything offensive to their religion. Some cities in Minnesota are supposedly already considered no-gone zones. The mainstream media and social medias use censorship when it fits the Liberals narrative. They are actually trying to silence those who have not been “sheeped”. Again, it mirrors Europe’s mentality and political mistakes about the subject.

Don’t let them abuse of your kindness because it’ll soon become taboo to talk about Islamism and you‘ll be screwed.
Make sure anybody taking an oath of office has a hand on an American Constitution.
Europe has lost its identity but I believe the Squad and their minions don’t know what they are up against…Patriots will show the way and save the world a 3rd time.


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