Watergate 2.0 - Could This Be Evidence of #Russiagate? [world news]

in #news7 years ago (edited)


'Say It Ain't So, Joe.'

In the original Watergate, it was an American Republican President trying to cheat against the opposite American political party, the Democrats. Today there is more and more mounting evidence that the recent Presidential election of the United States might have been influenced by international powers.

For whatever reason, this did not make major news in the United States. Then coincidently, a tragic and major news event occurs in Florida, completely burying the new information coming out of Russia itself. The lawyer, journalist, activist, and Russian Presidential candidate, Alexei Navalny put together this informational video about Russian corruption that leads to the highest levels of government.

Complete Original Video - in Russian

English News with subtitles

The question is why are they doing this? The answer is always the same; for the love of Power and Money.

The harder question we should all ask ourselves is 'Why do we, the masses, let them (the few)?'

This world needs more people like Mr. Navalny, who are Not Afraid to take abusers of power to task, no matter how rich or powerful they may be.

Edit: Another Video with more info - Truthdig Video on Russiagate


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Yeah I agree, the answer to the first question is quite easy: money and power...
I hate it that the masses are letting corruption like this happen all the time. Nobody seems to care that we live in a shit hole. Nobody cares that they are actually slaves in this system... But hey, all of us are being manipulated since the day we are born, so it's only natural that majority of the people are brainwashed and are passive about everything...


this is something new to me, thanks for sharing this.

The harder question we should all ask ourselves is 'Why do we, the masses, let them (the few)?'

That's a good question to be asked. Every where in the world its almost same but the masses just watch these things happen and they feel they cant change it. But we fail to understand that power lies in the hands of the masses.

Purly bromance. Haters be hatin'. Upvoted, my sire xD

Amazing and very interessing post thank you for sharing @streetstyle

very very great writing this time
Money is very influential in politics
Because in the political world there is no support word if there is no money
hopefully our future can all be like @streetstylethe world with bitcoin currencies is a world where there is no corruption

I predicted yesterday before I heard about this that there would be a false flag what with so many deep state actors being revealed, I hate it when I am right.

Politics sucks. You don't know what's real and what's not.
I don't believe that guy on the video. His eyes are lying.

really......... @streetstyle your post is so....... interesting. it's...... amezing your think about different. i like it. good question for asked. good job.... carry on ...... best of luck

Good is very good, this post was makes