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RE: The “Pit of Despair Experiment” Trump is Recreating

in #news6 years ago

I can never get used to how abhorrent humans become in our practices when we objectify and separate everything, alienate ourselves from everything, so that experiments like this could have been performed in the first place.

I don't think humans are evil creatures. But I think we are capable of monstrous evil all the same when we operate out of this alienated, separated mindset that demonises and objectifies other beings as things.

And yet, as oftquoted, Hitler loved his dog. And he did. This is what we are up against in dealing with our selves.

My heart breaks for those children. The convo here about illegality reminds me of the exact same conversations that have been raging in my own dullhearted country, Australia, where we blame asylum seekers for not joining the appropriate queues when talking about the offshore detention for fricken YEARS of people and children on islands not-Australia like Manus and Nauru. One more young person killed themselves on Nauru last week. Heartbusting.


LOL can you imagine any Australian having the gall to criticize America's immigration policies?

I criticise my own, too. It's disgusting and pathetic.

On a whole other scale.

Nothing objectifies the human condition more than government - nothing ...