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RE: How We Learned To Love Big Brother

in #news4 years ago (edited)

James, an excellent way to put this situation we are in at the moment. Governors are going crazy with their newfound power and taking pleasure in abusing it as much as they can. Of course, this is causing more stress and suicides, but hey it's protecting the public from the fictional deadly "silent enemy".

Thank goodness for the small business owners who are committing civil disobedience, but those few are not enough to make a difference in the big scheme Big Brother has for the world. Maybe their actions will give others permission to be brave and open their businesses in spite of some illegal edict signed by the Governor.

Since the beginning of this farce, I have not stayed at home because of this; I have not worn a mask or disinfected my hands with toxic substances that kill all the good bacteria, and I have not carried a cell phone. So I am an edict-breaker. I wrote to my county sheriff and sent him a book to remind him about the power a sheriff has in his county.

Meanwhile, I watch others wearing masks and rubber gloves, looking like surgeons in the grocery store. I say hello, nice mask, did you know that you are breathing in your own CO2 and the toxic waste your body is trying to eliminate and in preventing this you may be making yourself more vulnerable to the virus? I get a stare back like I am from Mars and I move on hoping a seed has been planted that will grow.