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RE: Big Banks raking the dough: $15Billion in overdraft fees

in #news7 years ago

Excellent article...gave you a follow.

You bring up valid points. The banks are glorified con men. They rig the system to screw those who can least afford it. They charge $1B in overdraft yet when they brought down the work economy, did they pay? No they were given money to cover their "overdraft".

As for the consumer debt, this is the only way to keep the economy rising. With wages flat and the consumer making up 70% of the economy, any increase is, for the most part, due to credit.


It is just unfair that when the citizens are loaded up in debt we are screwed yet they get a free pass from the government when they get in serious trouble

Of course it is unfair....that is how they designed it. The bankers run the world. Like cryptocurrencies, they recognize no national boundaries. They really could care less where people are as long as they enslave them. This is why sites like this that are established on the blockchain gives power to the individual. It is exciting to see that we might see a revolution that changes the lives of billions in the next 10 years.