📰 Trump "Major" Announcement on Saturday Jan 19th at 3 pm??? 📺

in #news6 years ago (edited)

A lot to talk about and questions to ask, look at these recent news stories

Trump and his administration have cancelled their trip to the Davos economic conference,
There saying it’s due to the partial government shutdown, yet everything else is telling us it’s a lot more than that, the people behind Trump have been orchestrating this whole Government shutdown from the very beginning.

Though the agenda does not seem to be to hurt the American people, as the American military have already been funded to stop any kind of coup attempt and Trump recently signed bill guaranteeing back-pay to federal workers.

It will hurt people if this shutdown goes on, as nothing has been said about the 42 Million Americans who rely on the nation's food stamp program. There has been many shops saying they can’t take the stamps because the machines won’t work,
Is this what they want? A real emergency people rioting in the streets when they can’t feed their families.

Trump said via Twitter on Friday he will make a "Major" Announcement on Saturday Jan 19th at 3 p.m.


He’s also grounded all government aircraft to prevent US lawmakers from making business trips without the White House's permission, which suggests he’s making sure certain individuals won’t leave the country during this time.

Trump has also said earlier on Friday 18th that a new caravan of migrants was moving toward the United States, recently heard about this, a new wave of migrants fresh from Hondures, how convenient for Trump, fits perfectly for his agenda to build his wall, personally I think these people are being payed to make the trip to the boarder then return home, as many have already done, it’s all for the TV Cameras.

This wall is going to be Trumps legacy, when he leaves office it will be known as the Trump wall, he’s obsessed with China and want’s his own great wall.


This Major announcement could very well be the National Emergency (Martial Law) that he has been threatening in recent days to the media, it does look like while the government is in shutdown mode, the people cleaning up the US deep swamp will use this time to remove a lot of corrupt politicians, publicly it will be for election fraud but in secret a lot of their crimes will get a lot darker.

This will end all the Fake Russia conspiracy involving Trump.
Even if this doesn’t happen on January 19th, it will have to eventually the system needs a clean reboot.

Who’s the Puppet Master of Trump?

It’s often very difficult to tell who’s in control of Trump, as some decisions he makes are good while others go along with the agenda of the global elite, which is who he’s supposed to be against, according to the 8chan Q posts.

Take for example North Korea leader Kim, who really seems to want denuclearization, while America does not lift any of the heavy sanctions, they have put on them.


There is a second meeting due to take place, the end of February, hopefully Trump will honor their agreement to lift the sanctions, this is good, the actions lead to peace.

While at the same time the USA now wants to put Nuclear Weapons in Space! Which of course anyone who follows the secret space program insiders, who have come forward over the years, knows they already have some very advanced weapons in space.
(search Rods of God)

It’s just they are now making it more public, while Russia is warning they are trying to start a space arms race, restarting the cold war.


This is the same man who says he wants out of NATO???

Personally I see NATO as a military alliance that is a stepping stone towards the global elites dream, of building a world army, so removing the USA from NATO is seen as a step towards peace, Russia is not interested in war, they are not stupid they know a WW3 would mean no winners.


Now don’t forget he’s also pulling out of a Nuclear deal with Russia,
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was signed in 1987 by President Reagan, which basically stops either side from advancing their nuclear missile programs, which again they both have been doing in secret anyway.

Announcing the pull out publicly makes Trump look like he wants to build this tension with Russia and keep this cold war going, because of course there’s a lot of money to be made in keeping the war machine going.


This is why I’m asking who is in control because, he’s making good and bad choices that are leading to peace and chaos.

9/11 Truth is being leaked out slowly

It seems these hackers could very well be this alliance group, who seems to be undoing the Deep States plans, as more info has been made available, questioning if Bush knew about the attacks before they happened, which of course anyone who has looked into this will know it was a false flag, that Bush and his father played a big part in it, because the whole thing was an inside job to start the endless “War on Terror” which magically gave birth to Daesh and their many white Toyota trucks used by American special forces.

Not surprisingly you’ll notice the US Government and Mainstream Media staying quiet about it all.


Seattle TV Station Caught Doctoring Trump's Face During National Address

Another funny but interesting story will make people think again about what they see on the TV news, when Trump was addressing the nation and in real time, someone manipulated the live feed to make him look bright orange and poke his tongue out.
They have the technology, they could easily make it look as if planes are flying into buildings.

There's a lot more but don't want to squeeze it all into one page.
Feel free to comment and share your thoughts.😊


It’s amazing how so the United States effects so many parts of the world.