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RE: Steemit vegetarians, "deathless meat" is almost here...what do you think?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I agree with you, @tychoxi. People have been tinkering with genes since the dawn of farming. Our cows, corn, etc. are nothing like their ancestors. My dog is great, but thank goodness, she's nothing like her wolf ancestors. Through mate selection, we're also probably quite different than our "wild" ancestors.

Tinkering with nature is what we do. In that way, it's also entirely natural. Even Neil D. Tyson changed his stance on GMOs. It's like any other tool - it's what we do with it -- but there's nothing inherently bad about it. In fact, we have always needed to do it.

If this lab grow meat is safe and helps curb some current abuses that hurt both animals and people, why not? And yes, I made some pretty good "faux" meat patties yesterday with sweet potatoes and flax seeds yesterday. But that's me.


People have been tinkering with genes since the dawn of farming

True, but there is a HUGE difference between helping select which (of the same species) get to breed, and the current model of extracting genes from one species to put into another.

Neil D. Tyson changed his stance on GMOs

All the more reason not to trust them. NDT is a bought & paid for mouthpiece for the corporate structure. That exact video is the one that first proved to millions of us that he is absolutely not to be trusted, thanks for including it :-)

If this lab grow meat is safe

Exactly, if. Personally, I'm not going to be one of the ones who pays for the right to be a guinea pig to see if it's safe. (as "safe" as meat that is, which is not very safe, unless only consumed in very small amounts)