Comey, Lynch, Clinton Subpoenas, US Preps Iran False Flag & CIA Claim MBS Gave Khashoggi Kill Order (Article)

in #news6 years ago

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/23/18).

In the past few days many have been speaking out about Trump’s unwavering support for Saudi Arabia, and MBS specifically, even members of Congress from both sides of the aisle. especially after his astoundingly inaccurate and what I would say was a willfully dishonest statement about the CIA conclusions in regard to Khashoggi.

Hey @realdonaldtrump: being Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not “America First.”— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) November 21, 2018
I’m pretty sure this statement is Saudi Arabia First, not America First. I’m also pretty sure John Bolton wrote it.— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) November 20, 2018

And of course, in regard to Saudi Arabia, and to make a point from the last show ever more clear:

On 19 of November 2018#Saudi #UAE strikes targeted the home of Saleh Habra , former head of #Houthis political office during the national dialogue in #Yemen
7strikes on his home in #Saada killed 9 people 👇
his 2 sons, his brother son , 2 of his sisters & 4 other people— Hussain Albukhaiti (@HussainBukhaiti) November 22, 2018

Even while the Houthis cease their attacks, and seek peace talks, and take action to demonstrate their willingness to do so for the good of the people they represent, the US-backed Saudi coalition has just bombed the home of Saleh Habra, former head of the Houthis political office during the national dialogue in Yemen. There were 7 strikes on his home in Saada which killed 9 people including his two sons, his brother's son and two of his sisters.

Remember, the Saudis claim to be fighting against the Houthis for the Yemeni people, to reinstall Hadi, the “rightful” leader, yet this is a leader who is okay with allowing the Saudis to murder the people of Yemen to get him back into power, and point of fact is a US puppet who was only placed in power by a past regime change effort by the US.

Whereas in reality, you have the Houthis who have popular support in Yemen, and are choosing to cease attacks, and discuss peace talks, even while the US-backed Saudi coalition currently occupies a massive portion of Yemen’s sovereign territory. It would seem that only one of these groups holds the lives of the people in higher regard than the political battle that is under way. I will let you discern which that is.

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.

Written by Ryan Cristian
Founder, Editor - The Last American Vagabond
WKUP "The Shift" Radio

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