Realistic SEX Dolls that Simulate Rape or are Child Sized? Over 25% of Young People Would Date a Robot? Let's Heal this Heartlessness NOW!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

A survey published by UK innovation company Nesta last June, found that over a quarter of young people surveyed would happily date a robot. What does this say for humanity's future and present state of spiritual wellbeing?

Now, maybe the survey was flawed and the participants were just having a joke and giving false answers - but whatever the accuracy of the survey, the fact remains that many humans are purchasing lifelike robotic sex dolls and there are even commercial bars which people can visit to hire them for sex! Sadly, even this is not the end of the reversed heartlessness involved here.

image source:

Lifelike dolls that simulate rape and child rape!

Yes, that's right, it is now possible to purchase human-like realistic robotic dolls for sex that are designed to replicate the bodies of children AND that even go as far as rejecting advances from humans to simulate that the sex is non consensual (rape).

A recent story in the UK Independent newspaper, explains that hundreds of the dolls are being sold every year and the marketing language being used describes rape as simply being a private passion - normalising the situation into just another pastime.

The dolls of children that are available on are particularly disturbing to me and I reiterate my calls for all readers with hearts and feelings to take some action to get the sales of these dolls monitored so as to potentially protect children from the spiritually disturbed individuals who are buying them.

Why are people so willingly using these dolls?

The following BBC documentary from a few years ago gives some insights into individual cases of men who used dolls back then:

What is apparent is that they often lack sufficient self acceptance to be empowered enough to find a loving partner - in other words their own lack of love for themselves, combined with previous poor experiences with women have often led to them to just give up and to take what appears to be an easy route to a form of acceptance that they project out as coming from an inanimate doll. What can be seen and FELT is that often their mind has redefined the doll to be equal to a living being and they are treating them literally as if they are a living being. Clearly, most of us will identify this is a form of delusion that is a form of mild psychosis with traceable roots.

What are the causes of these spiritual/emotional denials?

When individuals are emotionally injured, they often judge against their emotions and in particular the ones they don't like. Instead of lovingly accepting their own anger at being rejected or their own fear of being alone, for example, they will often simply reject the feelings altogether and attempt to carry on as if nothing had occurred or been felt. The result of this is that they lose the ability to feel at all and gradually this results in a mind that lacks any kind of felt connection to reality and that is thus able to make decisions that go against what real feelings want and need.

This is essentially the road to psychopathy and it is not by random chance that manikins have been found in the homes of some serial killers in the past. I have already posted on the specific connection that I see exists between our giving dolls to children to play with and the increase in sexual dysfunction in adults and I see the use of sex dolls as just another manifestation of the same erroneous and denial based programs that parents pass on to their children every day, calling it 'normal'.


For me, there is a clear connection between some of the common patterns found in most parents/children and the sexual dysfunction being demonstrated by adults that use dolls to simulate real people that do not have emotions. Psychopathy is a state of non empathic connection between the sufferer and other humans - so for people to attempt to be creating 'relationships' with non-living dolls can rightfully be called an example of a form of psychopathy. Given that dolls are now being sold to simulate rape and child rape (plus potentially also torture), i feel it is urgently necessary to monitor all sales of these dolls to pro-actively protect the safety of innocent women and children in society.

I have never before felt as I do regarding this issue and my feelings are a mixture of terror, anger and passionate intent to act in the face of the revealing of a heartless threat that we really need to act to resolve immediately.

Having used rarely understood processes of emotional healing and psychological balancing to heal my own issues in a group of many others doing the same for over 10 years, I am confident that all spiritual imbalances can be healed and broken hearts can be put back together - we must remain open to new potentials, instead of simply judging that some people are just too lost to be healed.

Got Comments?

What do you think/feel here? Let us know in the comments section below. Thanks!

Wishing you well
Ura Soul

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This is Soooo disturbing... i suppose a case could be made for simple sex toys, but the whole 'childlike and rape simulator' details are abhorrent. Hopeful this type of behaviour regardless of who, or what, it's being purpetrated upon will be outlawed...

This is a very dangerous precedent and a big step backward for our collective spiritual journey forward.

Outlawing these dolls doesn't do anything to address the underlying condition. This is the same logic the gov. uses to outlaw drugs. Bad idea!

The issue is the intentions involved and whether or not will is being overpowered/denied. In these cases I feel that at best, there is a loss of human potential and at worst there is an ongoing increase and potential future epidemic of full blown psychopathy. At least they will not reproduce.

I may just have to cover this tonight in my livestream, great reporting thanks!

You are welcome - link me if you do and I'll maybe join in a bit in some way.

Do you have twitter? I can't post the link online publicly for many reasons.

Scary and disgusting! As a people we should send healing light to each other. And protection. I am speechless.

For me, light is purely understanding - so I don't really resonate with the idea of sending light in a purely spiritual way. I do though value the shedding of light through exposing topics and adding to our collective understanding and awareness - since I know for sure this can help solve our problems and bring peace/balance. I share the intention though, sharing loving light and healing - in whatever way works - is needed now. <3

When I send light I send the bright white guidance that opens minds into seeing and understanding. This I hope opens up others to find the path to what is correct by "shedding light" into the situation. Yes, lots of healing is needed now.

without the needed input from the heart to balance light, it is not loving and will be felt and rejected in most cases - this is why all aspects of being need to be addressed before the overall energy system can evolve in a balanced way. there are also beings who are so reversed that they literally are repulsed by love and will even move to kill those who bring it to them.
as challenging as it may be to understand initially, will needs to be respected - even the will of those who think they hate love - provided they are not overpowering others.

This is irritating. I feel like destroying the Technology behind this and killing all the master minds. But have your eyes open over your and any kids around you at any time. Evil still polluting the world but the worst part now is getting the children involved. It means total plan to ruin tomorrow.

The best I feel that can be done is to deeply and completely understand all the issues involved such that enlightenment can be the new 'normal' instead of delusions. <3

Umm a difficult one to comment on. I did see the documentary (it was when I still had a TV) although did not watch it all as I found it too strange.

My feeling is the younger generations and to some extent the older are being desensitised to sex. I mean look at TV, love island for example basically have sex with as many people as you can on TV and get paid for it. There is porn left right and centre its everywhere we look. Soft porn is the norm now and does not batter the eylids. Now I not saying I saintly I have looked at porn but as a lad we had to buy the Daily sport or look at a catalogue we did not have it on tap and this is the problem. They see it as common its everywhere and often violent or forced even derogatory, creating this feeling (I guess) that we should just have sex all the time when ever we want.

On the flip side these dolls could reduce rape or violent sex if I was searching for a positive. But the best solution is to stop the media desensitising everyone! I find it very worrying that this is becoming more normal in society. We need to help people with mental health problem before it gets to this stage and stop cutting important funding !!!

If we look back to the past, there was massive control of sex and sexual repression - and this is the root of much of our dysfunction. The current fascination with sex is largely a response to the repression of previous generations and in itself is not wrong - what is needed now is balance.

The problem is the lack of love involved with sex and also in all things in life. It is only real love that can solve these problems and so that is where my life is pointed permanently - the cultivation of and respect for real, unconditional love.

Yes that makes sense. The Love is coming :)

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I didn't know about or hadn't let my mind run to the conclusion that there would be rape or child dolls. That's a bit disturbing.

As to the rest. Couple it with teledildonics, VR, etc.

All I can say is it should reduce unwanted pregnancies and the population growth may falter. I wrote about it from the VR, and fact people date phone apps in Japan, etc. I was writing about the idea of how it might impact population growth.

I hadn't really delved into this darker side that you covered.

A society where individuals are balanced and in their hearts is one that will not have an overpopulation problem. That is where we need to head, not trying to deal with symptoms, while ignoring the causes.

I am sickened by knowing this but thanks for the info anyways!

Yes, sadly, it's better to know than not know.

agreed! :-)

We start by healing ourselves. After all the books I read (especially about tribes and native people) I stronly believe in health through nutrition, as do you :)