Mystery Object Oumuamua: Interstellar Comet, Asteroid or Spacecraft?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

On October 19th, a large mysterious object traveling approximately 200,000 mph was detected passing through our solar system.

Initially identified as an interstellar comet, scientists now believe it to be the first observed interstellar asteroid. Yet, the object's abnormal shape and characteristics have some speculating that it may in fact be some sort of artificial construct, perhaps even an alien spacecraft.

I1/2017 UI aka Oumuamua

Officially classified as I1/2017 UI with "I" referring to interstellar and "1" as the first observable objected originating from deep space. Aptly dubbed Oumuamua, a Hawaiian name meaning 'first scout', the object hurtling through our neck of the woods is drawing attention for it's unique qualities. It was first observed by the Pan-Starrs project or Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System at the University of Hawaii. Pan-Starr's main focus is to detect near earth objects that could potential pose a threat to earth.

  • Cigar-shaped (shape never seen in space before)
  • 400-800 meters in length
  • 80 meters wide
  • Reaching Speeds of close to 200,000 mph
  • Varies in brightness
  • Slightly reddish hue
  • Completes a rotation about once every 7.3 hrs
  • No debris tail
  • Not gravitationally bound to the Sun

Though no clear images exists at this point, it's these unusual characteristics that have the astronomy and space communities buzzing. the fact that the object is cylindrical is an oddity and has never been observed before. In our solar system asteroids are uniformly

The object is a long cylinder shape which researchers suggest a cigar or needle shape is the most likely architecture for a spacecraft since this would minimise damage from interstellar gas and dust.

Traveling at speeds of about 88km /sec the object is moving at such fast rate that it's voyage will not be captured by the sun's gravitational force allowing it to pass through the solar system unimpeded. Oumuamua is also expected to pass by Jupiter later next year and continue on past Pluto in the years to come.

Astrophysicists theorise there are between one and ten “visitors” per year in our solar system but they move so quickly that we have never seen one before.

Although it is impossible to determine the complete trajectory of the interstellar visitor, it's path indicates that it approached our solar system from the region hosting the brightest star in the earth's sky, Vega.

See this excellent summary from:

TexFilms YouTube Channel

Breakthrough Listen and Stephen Hawking

It's been reported that world renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, in association with the Breakthrough Listen program are actively engaged in efforts to measure Oumuamua using an electromagnetic spectrum telescope located in Green Bank, West Virginia.

A £75 million programme that searches for evidence of intelligent life beyond Earth called Breakthrough Listen, led by Stephen Hawking, is attempting to detect evidence of alien technology transmitting from the object.

Over the last 24 hrs, the initial tests from the electromagnetic spectrum have already been released that suggested that there was no evidence of artificial signals.

The first phase of observations is complete and, as expected, there is no evidence of artificial signals emanating from ‘Oumuamua.

The observations took place on Wednesday, December 13 from 3:45pm ET to 9:45pm ET using the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia. The Breakthrough Listen team observed ‘Oumuamua across four radio bands, which span billions of individual channels from the 1GHz to 12GHz range.

This may come a disappointment to some who were hoping for a 'disclosure' type moment but the investigation is still ongoing and according to TechCrunch there's still a substantial amount of data that has yet to be analyzed.

The instruments at Green Bank accumulated 90 TB of raw data over a period of two hours. Analyzing this data will take some time, and thus far, only data from the S-band receiver (which covers frequencies from 1.7GHz to 2.6GHz) has been processed.


If you watched the video by TexFilms you'll know that some scientists are eager to 'pursue' and 'chase down' the object along it's trajectory but that's no simple feat as the most powerful chemical propulsion systems aren't even capable of half Oumuamua's current velocity. Still, scientists suggest that using the gravitation of Jupiter as a slingshot' could be a possibility. Whatever happens, Oumuamua is likely to captivate the attention of astronomers for years to come and may yet reveal a few secrets and expand our knowledge of the heavens.

Images: / The Sun / Daily Mail




Excellent work @v4vapid I have thought for a while now that the public are being warmed up for some kind of disclosure type event (not saying this is it). The wheels of the public subconscious are sIowly being put into motion, and after a multi-generational barrage of film and TV we now seen to be slowly manouvered towards some kind of soft controlled disclosure. With NASA's new discoveries, growing coverage of increasingly valid UFO sightings and now Tom Delonge's new project involving several high ranking officials, something appears to be happening. As an aside I think Delonge (although he may not be aware) has at some level been chosen to put this information out and although he may believe it is through his own work he is being given an objective. From this perspective it's interesting how the cigar shape ufo is already held within the public awareness. Even if nothing comes of this it feeds into the wider subconscious and as such a longer term awareness. Equally I'm also reminded about the Project Bluebeam fake alien invasion! I've said it before and I'll say it again "we live in truly amazing times and everything is up for debate and re-evaluation". Thanks for sharing @v4vapid I will be sure to take a look at the video!

Wow, you know i initially planned to include project Blue Beam, the fake alien invasion (to solidify control) and Tom Delong in the original post but opted to keep it short and simple. I'm actually floored that you had the same thoughts about this notion of a slow disclosure. I think the alien disclosure may be used in several different ways and one of them would be as a pretext to usher in marshal law. This option is especially appealing to TPTB as they will be able to pass emergency legislation, à la Patriot Act, and completely wipe-away any investigations into corruption and consolidation of power that may be hindering their projects.

I like the cut of your jib @perceptualflaws, right on the money

Yes what better way to start a new world than an event/disclosure that rewrites the entire course of history and our perception of reality, a clean slate and a new foundation in which to build upon. I've also recently read several newspaper articles relating to prophets (and time travelers!) predicting alien invasions and it makes me wonder why the msm is giving them creedence and a platform? Misinformation and further tarnishing of the word "conspiracy"? well there is certainly an element of that. But when you put it all together and stand back there appears to be a synchronicity to these events. Something certainly appears to be stirring in the background of all of this, I know the script and I know how they slowly work ideas into the public subconscious. As an aside chemtrail metal particulates ionise the air and an ionised atmopshere would make some form of holographic projection far more acheivable.

Equally, I've been studying the UFO phenomenum/alien life and alternate dimensions since childhood and so I keep an extremely open mind in relation to their validity and I don't believe we're the only form of intelligent life in the universe. Something tells me that an alien civilisation intelligent enough to travel to and make contact with earth would not allow Government to be their official mouthpiece .. then again perhaps from a Government perspective they are aware of this potential public perception and that's how Mr Delonge's empowerment slots into a bluebeam style puzzle? Again to all Tom's fans I'm not suggesting he is aware of this and I'm happy to believe he has our best interests at heart but there is always a duality to Government involvment. This is a world of a million shades of grey and as such many perspectives and opinions remain open. I guess we shall find out what's going to happen as the next few years play out!

This is awesome on several different levels. The first being the shape, the lack of debris tail and the speed at which its traveling. Whether or not we are able to confirm this "I1/2017 UI" is of alien origin or just a really fast rock is not overly important, just that we open our minds and expand our boundaries a bit more. I saw a pretty cool clip on youtube the other day that gave a really simple graphic explanation of the relative sizes of planets and stars, its an old video but great for a perspective on just how large our universe/galaxy/solar system is. To think we are the only intelligent beings to exist is just naive.
Here's the clip:

This is awesome, thanks! This video is a trip.

Yeah, it's a double-edged sword when it comes to this interstellar object cause on one hand if it's an alien craft then it would have serious ramifications for us, especially if these visitors are unfriendly. On the other hand I think a lot of people on our planet would love to have definitive proof of life outside of our solar system, I know I would.

I think what I like most about this story is that the universe (and multiverses) have endless possibilities. It's still perplexing that we as a species are not making a more concerted effort to explore our own solar system. Sure, it's expensive, but private companies are showing that there are ways to reduce cost significantly. I think the will is missing among our leaders showing a real lack of imagination.


The possibilities are infinite and just because we are not aware of them does not mean they do not exist.

ITs all about consciousness, we are simply not aware of 99.99999999999999999999999999% of the universe let alone the multi verse/alternate dimensions......

We are far less than a drop of water in the ocean......Quite overwhelming really yet here I sit in my own world full of sensory experiences that seem so real.....


i don't think you will find physical beings living on a comet so i doubt much will be found using scientific instruments., .. IF there are aliens living on it they will most likely be non-physical, light beings that would be pretty unlikely to be using 'walkie talkies' ;-)

Agreed, though if it has to do with "aliens" i doubt its that they are LIVING on it but its more of a tool of some kind. Maybe some kind of satellite or capsule that is carrying something.

I think it is only a matter of time before we start exploring the farthest corners of are universe. With how fast technology is progressing I think it is inevitable. I think Elon is the Edison of our time. I remember several years ago when he proposed that he would create a car that drove across America without any gas and people laughed him out of the room. Well that car is now closer than ever. Some of the ideas floating through that mans mind are literally out of this world. As SpaceX gets better and better at launching and safely landing their spaceships the costs will be cut substantially, and who knows if he will even be the first to land on the red planet, never bet against Bezos. Really interesting short book I read "How we'll live on Mars", I highly recommend it. Pretty sure there is a condensed TED talk version as well

informative post :) thumbs up for u @v4vapid

Truly amazing to attempt to fathom the depths of the universe. Thanks for sharing this as it puts it into perspective very well.

Interesting that this is the first 'cigar shaped' craft we have officially found when many historical sightings here on earth have been of a similar shape.
I wonder how long it will be befoe TPTB deem us mature enough to inform us of what is really going on in and around our little part of the universe.
We have clearly been visited many times in the past and there is plenty of evidence ancient contact. This latest sighting is exciting as it isn't on a normal orbital trajectory and the size is consistent with similar shaped crafts allegedly witnessed here.
Let's wait and see what comes of it however I suspect nothing will and eventually the story will fade away.

This is a secret but... I love alien conspiracy!!!! I hope Stephen Hawking finds out something :)

Your secret is on the blockchain now! Yeah I'd love it if they made some sort of significant discovery too ;)

hahahahaha not a secret any more!

Glad you shared it with us though!

Aptly dubbed Oumuamua, a Hawaiian name meaning 'first scout'

Yes. Interesting that they named it that.
It is almost as if they are expecting other objects that are being pushed outwards from the center of the galaxy.

Yeah, it's a interesting that they chose this name right? If that thing were to hit a planet i image the destruction would be enormous. Although, I'm still hoping that there's some evidence that it's some type of alien probe or craft.

They checked it for signals and didn't find any.

Of course, us non-scientists realized, if it can fly this far on an unknown propulsion method, I'm guessing we won't figure out how they are scanning us either.

Yes but our feeble technology wouldn't find anything out if they didn't want us too....

I took some photos of the moon a week or two back and kept getting an object that moved. This looked round and wasn't visible to the naked eye- it only showed up when the flash hit it.

I've never been so lucky. Though I have seen some pretty amazing meteor showers years ago.

Here's a link to the post... I have no idea what that thing is but in one it's at 6:00 in another it's at 4:00 the cloudy ones were taken within a minute of each other...

We are going to get taken the fluck out by one of these at some point!

Sling-shotted by the sun into us at 88 km a second, no-one will even have time to Zappl it!

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. By the time we see it coming it will probably be too late

We are monitoring some, but these sling-shotters are something else. This one looks like it'd come out the other side of Earth if it hit!


Rendezvous with Rama is a science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke first published in 1973. Set in the 2130s, the story involves a 50-kilometre (31 mi) cylindrical alien starship that enters Earth's solar system. The story is told from the point of view of a group of human explorers who intercept the ship in an attempt to unlock its mysteries. The novel won both the Hugo[4] and Nebula[5] awards upon its release, and is regarded as one of the cornerstones in Clarke's bibliography. The concept was later extended with several sequels.

"it's path indicates that it approached our solar system from the region hosting the brightest star in the earth's sky, Vega."

in space there are billions of asteroids with different forms. Obviously the most common form are the spheroids, but if a body traveling through space suffers multiple and random collisions, it is probably to acquire this form. Life? I see it with low probability

Great post! Many things that set this discovery apart as other users have mentioned. The first principle of science and logical thinking is skepticism. We ask the questions and evaluate what data is available to provide answer material. Truth, facts, honesty are all critical to the scientific process. As a scientist I am always called to engage in this process. The only aspect of our humanity that is not sufficiently uncovered by science is spirituality. From a spiritual perspective I can process my experiences rationally, but can not readily validate spiritual experiences with scientific data. I am both a scientist and a spiritual person. With this in mind science has not yet revealed any abundance of data to show that any non-Earth life exists outside of the bounds of the Earth. While it may be probable, and may be likely, that there is even simple life outside of the Earth, it has never been demonstrated that extraterrestrial life exists. Regardless of various suspicions about alien interactions, Area 51, government coverup, which I find engaging. There is no facts of discovery of of a complete and living extraterrestrial (non Earth origin) life form. These are the facts. And I await the day that these facts will be changed by real, scientifically acceptable data. Until then I enjoy the process of honest discovery.