Christchurch: The Psyop AnglesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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When I saw the headline "NZ terror attack!" last night, I was shocked but not surprised. I've been expecting this, knowing the elites include NZ in their evil plans, and knowing they needed an event to solidify their control over that part of the globe.
I was born in NZ - I am a Canadian immigrant (and citizen since I was a small boy).
My first (very first) thought was "false flag". Everything about this screams CIA and/or Mossad.

I saw articles that discuss a Mossad spy ring that was revealed by the Earthquake in February. I can't know more than that, having read only a snippet of an enemedia article, but there was certainly at least one institution with agents in place that has demonstrably advanced cultural marxism with psychological operations with some frequency and diabolical skill.

Thanks! I am woefully behind the times LOL

riggght blame someone else. Really no real things happening. It’s all a psyop lol

Heheh, certainly not everything is a psyop, but certainly some things are. Knowing what is likely to be what is the tricky part :)

It’s sad that we always think first it’s a FF because of how prevalent they are. I wonder if we would be able to recognize a true event if it were to happen.

Thanks for the analysts, seemingly spot on.

Footage is available on 153News.Net as well as on dTube.

Also a couple of slam dunk proof of hoax videos in this /pol thread...

I found it initially today on 153News.Net ...the server kicks out a lot of 503 errors but if you refresh 3 or 4 times it will eventually load the pages (and videos).

It's like they had done it a few times before,...

Tactics are used because they are useful anon. This one will be used again.

Until the sleeple wake up,...

You put into words just what I had been thinking. Saw an article earlier and they are already pushing for banning semi-automatic weapons in NZ.

And what is the deal with the "Subscribe to PewdiePie"? I know PewDiePie is an icon that tends to challenge the SJW narrative.

I think it's conceivable that the guy did that to cast some shade so to speak on a political enemy by feigning an association.

These people play dirty. Glad there are folks like you willing to call them on it.

IMHO he did to PewDiePie exactly what he did to Candace Owens, the chans, and all the memes and principles he espoused: painted targets on them for the enemedia to attack.

NZ's gun laws are pretty lax. Not much is required to get a gun, other than being 16 and a little paperwork. There's a ban on semi-auto weapons but that's the same everywhere except the USA (which is trying hard to raise public support for a ban).
Full of holes, you're right. Then again, there's so much of the 'story' that came out within the first hour or two - right away. It was like the media of the world already had a statement prepared, with explanations for almost everything, very convenient and tidy. I'd actually expect more holes in a chaotic investigation just minutes old. They pretty much had it neatly wrapped up from the get-go.
That said, there are many things which don't add up, and a lot of red flags.
I'm almost certain it was a false flag, probably a joint project between Mossad, CIA, and NZ elite agency members. They're already talking about tightening up the gun laws, and other Patriot Act type bullshit.

Last night there were 4 shooters and 2 getaway cars rigged with explosives. Now I'm hearing there was 1 shooter, possibly a couple accomplices, and only 1 car with explosives.
A common theme with false flag events is initial reports of multiple attackers, which gets scrubbed away and whittled down to just 1.

I think I mentioned this elsewhere in a comment, but my information is that Tarrant was in custody before the second mosque came under attack, meaning that there were at least two teams, if not two separate incidents.

Hi @frot, I'm across the other side of the world, and so have no bearing on what's actually happening on the ground in New Zealand. Are you saying that it never happened? Or that something happened, but not what we're hearing?

Thanks @frot, that's interesting.
Do you think it's unlikely that a group of people shot up two Mosques?

To me it seems more likely than a group creating a whole pretend thing... but I'm happy to admit I honestly don't know either way.

The two shooting were hours apart. By the time the second shooting began, the shooter at the first Mosque was already in custody. It's quite possible the second shooting was some kind of separate but related act.

It's unclear to me at this time, and probably will remain so.

Wow. Okay, so being in New Zealand now... what percentage chance do you give it to being real (An independent group of 4 people really did shoot up two Mosques) to being fake (The CIA/Mossad made it up and there was no shooting)?

As in... 100% no shooting at all happened? Wow.

There is a 17 minute video of the actual assault that Tarrant livestreamed on Youtube. It's been censored, but copies have been preserved by researchers dedicated to preventing the internet from being purged.

I didn't watch it. I read discussions of those that had/claimed to, and it's not something I'd want to watch.

What's with the censored thing?

And on the seventh day I removed all my comments!

If I lived in Aussie I'd let rip...

Ah, cool, okay. I thought someone was censuring you.

Honestly man, I don't think I could watch it myself. I know I'll just keep replaying it in my head.

Yep. When my kids were growing up they'd hear about movies like 'Saw' and want to watch them (we didn't have TV). I told them there's enough bad shit that will get in my head all by itself, and to be careful what they see, because once you see something you cannot unsee it.

I wanted to watch movies about bunnies and duckies, and flowers. Oddly enough, they didn't find my home movies of our bunnies very entertaining. They did enjoy some video of construction work being done on our buildings, and that has served them well withal.

there is no way to re record a fakebook live stream,

erm... That's not true @sift666 and you know it!! ;)

Sift is correct, according to the mass brainwashing media, why? Allow me.

“New Zealand police alerted us to a video on Facebook shortly after the live-stream commenced and we quickly removed both the shooter’s Facebook and Instagram accounts and the video,”

The only place that video was being live streamed was farcebook, it was 17 minutes long, yet as the police stated as above, the account it was being streamed on was closed moments after the supposed shootings began.

So how could anyone else apart from the authorities release said video online?

Want my source? Allow me =

There are also many conflicting statements in that article, enough to raise doubt in even the biggest govern-cement corrupt poli-ticians supporters.

I watched the whole thing. Looked
like real bullets to me. But the. again I’m just a Zionist who wants guns banned which could potentially save my life one day.

Too bad people stockpiled them then, is it not, and also learned the skill to hack, and to disturb your Albert Pike dystopian future, sleep well.

lol yah white people can’t be psychos without a religious component. It was the Zionist’s.. and when it’s not the Zionists it’s the Zionist’s.

I watched the whole damn video. The guy is a psycho and those were people, although some were probably radicalized. Oh wait.. they were Zionists.

If you provide a throwaway email, I can send you a link. I don't want to post it here, for reasons. This event hasn't targeted Steem, and I don't want it to.

Sadly, the link is now dead. Sorry.

I can’t stand the SJW crap. I did a simple search for the video on duckduckgo. It was one of those faces of death websites. Lots of nazis loved it.

That Prime Minister of New Zealand makes me sick.

It is interesting that folks that claimed to watch the video said that the first victim that greeted him at the mosque called him brother, as if they were well known to each other.

Posing as a convert to Islam in order to gain trust and familiarity with the layout is something that indicates some sophistication, and is often undertaken by state actors infiltrating for cointelpro purposes, to set up false flags, or canned terrorist hunts, where they basically entrap some patsy into agreeing to execute some plan the agencies devise themselves.

The first World Trade Center bombing is notorious because the FBI supplied the munitions and plans that would have resulted in successful destruction of the structure had the plans been followed. The person that planted the bomb just parked the van in the wrong place.

Are you calling the Muslim victims Zionists? The language you use here is a bit confusing to me.

Hi @valued-customer,

Are you saying that Tarrant helped shoot and kill a huge number of unarmed people, in cold blood, in order to attack the alt-right?

What would his end goal be? And would it be worth paying such a high price?

It is apparent that his intent was to generate a political response. Indeed, he states that he is intent that New Zealand be completely disarmed (although I don't recall if that source was included herein). He had posted on a platform called 8chan with some frequency prior to the attack, as well as other platforms.

Given how the platforms and beliefs of white mass shooters are demonized, and the very free nature of speech on 8chan, if he intended to oppose freedom of speech, posing as a right wing lunatic would draw the wrath of society down on those platforms and sources. He very specifically named people, channels, and platforms knowing full well that people outraged at his terrorist attack would tar those he himself painted a target on with his crime.

The enemedia is primed for this, awaiting such events with practically bated breath.

I cannot reckon further than is apparent, failing possession of deeper insight only potential with greater familiarity with his life and person. People often do things that seem bizarre or without nominal purpose that have dire consequences. Jack Ruby would be a good example. Their motives remain impenetrable to me. All I can do is observe they do them.

It seems Tarrant hated the right with such depth that he was willing to not only sacrifice himself by larping as a rightwing terrorist, but dozens of innocent victims as well.

Thanks @valued-customer, I really appreciate your well-thought out response.

Why do you think he would oppose Free Speech? I mean, surely most people believe that they personally deserve Free Speech...?

The irony of shooting so many people, to oppose guns is absolutely huge.
I just can't even comprehend actually being able to go through such an action.

It's not something most people could do, I hope!

While a majority of people do believe in free speech, there are indeed cadres that vehemently oppose it, specifically Antifa and other associated cultural marxist movements. Also, if he were some kind of quasi-government agent or spy, many governments are intent on crushing free speech, if only surreptitiously. Neither forget the increasing use of censorship by social media platforms. That's actually why I came here to begin with.


100% agree. I've had my own problems with Facebook, who refused to resolve my issues claiming I violated their ToS but couldn't tell me how or when.

I know I'm asking a lot of questions, and I really appreciate your patience with me, I'm just trying to get it.

What is it about this situation that makes it more likely that it's an attack on the alt-right rather than a racist guy who is so scared of Islam that he's willing to go to these lengths? I don't know about New Zealand, but I know in Australia the racial tensions between Muslim people and everyone else are pretty high. Actually, honestly, the racial tensions between a number of nationalities in Australia is pretty high.

As I pointed out, I came here to be free to speak, not to earn tokens per se. That being the case I seek exactly conversation sparked by posts, and more than anything criticism that points out where I'm wrong. @sift666 helped refine my grasp of issues in comment here on this post, for example. It is only when I am made to understand I am wrong that I can change my mind and become right.

Don't hesitate to set me straight, ever, but don't expect me to just agree I was wrong because a claim of it is made. I want to be actually right, not just agreed with. I far prefer the former to the latter, in truth.

To my eyes, the voluminous detail consisting of his previous posts that link him and his radicalization to specific persons, institutions, and platforms remarkable for their dedication to free speech and debate, as I have just related regarding myself, and fact-based narrative, rather than the string tugging of emotions that is often employed - and is and will be regarding this event - to bring content consumers to agreement with particular positions.

It is a lot of the essential difference between the right and left wings of political thought, although not the typical right and left as used in actual political party affiliation. Both sides of the American political party (yeah, I meant that) are controlled by neocons/neoliberals that differ only in rhetoric. The actual policies they effect are substantially identical, and amount to waging war for profiteering defense industries.

I was particularly struck by his comment regarding Candace Owens, because he literally said 'She did it. She's the one that radicalized me and drove me to murder these Muslims.' Having so prepared before the attack the posts, comments, and literature that would inundate the media, he could not have been unaware of the impact that statement would have on Owens.

I'll be surprised if she has a Twitter, Fakebook, or other mainline social media account very soon, or isn't herself targeted for violence. He all but signed her death warrant, and had to know he was.

If he'd been actually intent on bodies simply to reduce the Muslim population, none of that would have been necessary. If he'd wanted to gain recruits to his cause, he'd have been better served by larping as a leftist, to drive that anger at that quarter. Since his psyop technique lends itself to the enemedia mechanisms used to shame and guilt people and nations into giving up their arms and ability to speak freely, I think it's intended to do exactly that.

I honestly have no idea... and I definitely can't because I'm across the other side of the world. I don't know anyone in that area.

The reason I was asking was to get clarity on his viewpoint... and maybe expand on his thoughts about the motivations...

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Great work with this. Very interesting! Raises a lot of questions, indeed.