Israel's Propaganda Machine Exposed

in #news6 years ago (edited)

A recent four-part documentary produced by Al Jeezra and published by the Electronic Intifada has revealed a network organized and funded by the Israeli Government within the United States targeting college students on U.S. campuses who support Palestinians. The Israeli government has set up and funded these  sub-campaigns of what they dub Information Superiority. These campaigns include data gathering information analyses, targeting activist organizations and the money trials of these organizations.

The Israeli Government has deemed the Boycott Divest Sanction movement a terrorist organization of hate speech and antisemitism hellbent on the destruction of the state of Israel. The Israeli government is paying obscene amounts of money to stalk, harass, and demean innocent Palestinian activist in the United States who are using the constitutional right to speak their mind they were born with.

When you have high ranking officials in the Israeli government like Sima Vaknin-Gil who is the Director General of Israel's Ministry Strategic Affairs stating openly at public conferences how the state of Israel is setting in on the sheer annihilation of the BDS movement, the Israeli Government is talking about the pure annihilation of American citizens who support a free Palestine. How are the actions of Israel on college campuses against innocent people exhibiting their constitutional rights defending democracy at all?

Jacob Baime who is the Executive Director of the Israelis on Campus Coalition and Ian Hersh who is the Director of Operations were both amateurishly captured on video and stated they use corporate-level and enterprise-grade technology to sift through reams of data looking for anybody saying any bad words about Israel. They talk about how they use social media intelligence software to stock and harass BDS supporters. Jacob Baime goes on to state that the Israeli's on Campus Coalition along with their partners in Israel have custom algorithms and formulae that acquire stuff immediately and when Mr. Jacob Baime says stuff he means the personal private information of American citizens.  

The Associated Press, Reuters, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, The Wall St Journal and Buzzfeed are all exposed in the documentaries put out by the Electronic Intifada as being propagandist on occasion for the state of Israel. The Electronic Intifada proved that The Israel Project in the U.S. had multiple sources within media in the states including direct communication between TIP's Strategical Communications Group and TIP's War Room and sources in the major media outlets listed above.

The Israeli Government lays out exactly how they plan to combat BDS but what they fail to realize is that America isn't Israel and you cannot cast your Iron Dome of propaganda and nationalism on college campuses and heinously harass activist in America who stand up against Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine. The Israeli Government calls this plan The Four Legs.

"We are in charge of fighting this phenomenon and to this end, we have four legs." -Sima Vaknin-Gil (Director General of Israel's Ministry Strategic Affairs)

Leg One

Warning, which consists of the Israeli government using powerful nonprofit organizations like AIPAC, Stand With Us, Chabad, and Hillel as their proxies against the BDS movement. They create social media bots and fake accounts to demean and belittle Palestinian activist until it feels as if they have no place to hide. These are psychological warfare techniques which pave the way for the Israeli's Governments second leg of their plan, Deterrence.

Leg Two

Activist bare witness to what is happening to their fellow activist and they are dissuaded from becoming activist themselves. The vicious attacks of one's character including contacting future or current employers of activist and besmirching their character are very threatening to young college students and can be a huge deterrent to them becoming activist.

Leg Three

Attack, is the third leg of the Israeli Government's plan to defeat the BDS movement and there is no clearer example of an attack then the Canary Mission which was set up at least in part by Jacob Baime. In part two of the Electronic Intifada's documentary series The Israeli Lobby, Jacob Baime makes statements like 'we put their information on the internet' and 'we set it up anonymously' when referring to the Canary Mission. The Canary Mission is a website that dox and slanders any Palestinian activist that comes within their crosshairs. In one instance the Canary Mission claimed a professor was a rapist and even invoked his wife and daughters names in the hit piece on Canary Mission.


Leg Four

The fourth leg of the Israeli Government's plan to defeat BDS is Public Relations which was recently exposed by the Electronic Intifada. The Associated Press, Reuters, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, The Wall St Journal and Buzzfeed are all named in the documentaries put out by the Electronic Intifada as being part-time propaganda outlets for the state of Israel. The Electronic Intifada proved that The Israel Project in the U.S. had multiple sources within media in the states including direct communication between TIP's Strategical Communications Group's War Room and sources in the major media outlets listed above.

"If you want to win a campaign your actions must be as vague as possible. Just as I worked on cases such as Hezbollah, terrorist funds or Syria or any other countries as an intelligence officer, we didn't go to the other side and tell them what we intended to do, we left them in the dark." -Sima Vaknin-Gil 

Maybe someone should inform Mrs. Vaknin-Gil that Israel is not at war with America and American citizens supporting Palestine are not terrorist.  The actions carried out by the Israeli Government as exposed in the Israeli Lobby are not simply a matter of ethics, it is a matter of the constitutionality and legality of the actions carried out by the Israeli Government against innocent American citizens. 

If Russia had an American citizen located at Russian Embassy in the U.S. gathering information on college campuses and relaying that information back to the Kremlin all while taking orders from Moscow on a secret secure network, there would most certainly be a Congressional investigation perhaps even a Federal counter-intelligence operation to figure out exactly what was going on. The constitutional rights of Americans should be protected from all nations friend or foe.

Written by Joziah Thayer - Twitter @Dapeaple - You can find more of work here.


Important article. Great to see all 4 parts are now accessible.
Resteemed !

thank you very much