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RE: Connecting dots or Propaganda (You decide) #16 [2of3]

in #newslink5 years ago

(followed back ^^Þ)

Have been a flat earther for quite a while now, maybe since I was 13 and I'm 35 now, so, yeah definitely on the side of truth, not the scientism, fake CGI, all the masonic/Jesuit(call them whatever You like it) propaganda against creation by the One Creative God, the constant in all their agendas on way or the other, they try to hide God because they're afraid that people wake up and stop following all the lies that feed their 'system'..

And I actually did study the bible when I was Younger (still read some passages from time to time, from the more decent version I found online in the present moment, still..), the first time when I was around 7/8 Years old, but with time and learning to discern truth from lies and concealed truths, decided to stop it because found a lot of incongruence (beside have being decided by a human King from the elites of the time which books would make the bible, and have been written in various different translations, interpretations, and this would be an entire discussion that would need a lot from every part, pfff..)

Not saying it is on it's entirety lies, it is definitely not that I can affirm for sure knowing it is true, but I found in Sri Guru Granth Sahib only Truth and have been a Sikh for the last ~5 Years, for as much as I put it to the test, it never fails contrary to what I have experienced with the bible, I still retain Christian, Buddhist, Wiccan (..not the new age bs we find now-a-days, just the original comprehension and communion with nature, for it is part of the creation of God, not a multitude of gods, idols, and falsehood.. that was Helena Blavatsky following Anton LaVey ideas..) teachings..

But my life and identity belongs to the One True Guru/One God/One Creator ^^)

Stay safe flat Earth brother, all the best and In Lak'ech Ala K'in,


thank you for your in-depth reply; it's interesting that you have been a flat earther from way before 2014 - how did you figure it out/ come across it?
of course i know there was a wealth of literature at the turn of the 20th century but still..

i hear you on the translations and interpretations of the bible - many of them are erroneous, and don't think for a second this wasn't done on purpose (like every other deception going.)

here's why i know God wanted the 66 books that are in the canon to form the bible: the book of the prophet isaiah contains 66 chapters, and every one corresponds with the corresponding book of the bible.

example: there are 39 books of the old testament. the 40th is the first of the new testament. isaiah 39 is about king hezekiah and the pre-babylon exile; chapter 40 is all about Jesus (verses 2-11 especially.)

read the last 2 chapters of isaiah and see if they don't correspond to revelation.

this is not by far the only amazing thing about this book (the fact it has over 100 references to the true nature of our fixed plane earth and attendant heavens is not inconsiderable of course,) but it's a small glimpse into the solid reasoning behind my faith in the original texts of scripture.

the question is will ask you about your faith is the same i ask most: what is the moral imperative? how do you gain immortality/ enlightenment/ nirvana/ godhood etc, and who decides?


No need to thank me ^^)

I was only being honest and since it is related to Truth (God, Allah, The Almighty, Creator..), it is a pleasure(thought of it as a blessing, still, it is not if speaking in truth, since it is a physical, humane sensation/feeling, yet again the experience in itself actually is a blessing..), to take some more time and think about it in more depth, after a deep breath, so to express in words and in short the best possible explanation from 'this' understanding in life, to something that in the end can't be explained, for we are nothing but a mere thought or dream of the Creator himself, and when we die, 'He' realises that our "individual" life's were only a dream, illusion, a divine projection in 'His' mind..

About the reality of Earth being flat, it was a question present since I can remember myself, and started when first travelling by plane, after that moment, had also contact with a couple telescopes accessible to personal use (from friends and family), and had also the opportunity of denoting to some observers the question: "Why there was never a curved horizon, boats would magically reappear if looking into them through good binoculars or telescopes?", put them to the test and let their minds work on it by itself..

Since birth there was always an innate curiosity in me, that never allowed me to accept from any teacher the typical answer, "it is as it is because its written that way in the books", so I've learned mathematics, physics, languages, history, a lot of science branches to try and figure for myself if the measurements NASA gave to the public from the Earth were true or not, plus the fake CGI never made sense to me, for something that is rotating at ~1600 Km/h would never be in focus on photography, something known from a very young age..

It has total sense from an 'elite' point of view, or even using other terms, if the devil wanted to deceive people into following him, what would be the best way of doing so?
If not through the manipulation of one of the many books that has a lot of scriptures by very different man, from different places, costumes, values, principles (something that can be to the majority of people, very difficult to understand), books that had words given through enlightenment, illumination, true consciousness, divine inspiration, call it which better describes to You being one with everything in the absence of ego, of self, the I with which we tend to associate when speaking from the mind. instead of being only a reference to the physical perception of separateness of one another.. And as it can be understood, the "devil" (from 'this' perception, devil is understood as falsity, lies, Ego..) left his signature on the bible, on Apocalypse/Revelation 22:16, where the character Jesus affirms being Lucifer almost directly, again, that is just one of the lies and should serve as a wake up bit for Christians to read the bible very carefully, having into account historical references to validate culture, ways of living, thinking, to understand what is or not Truth, what are the true teachings of Christ, cause they if Truthful are always a practical way of achieving the Creator, I'm sorry if this might seem wrong to You but I don't believe in Jesus, Christ on the other hand is a different story and can be any man or woman that lives in a certain way, achieving the same state of purification of 'the Christ'..

Please don't take me wrong, it's not an attack on Your beliefs or the bible, its just what was learned and experienced (put to the test, in one or other way).
I still recommend bible reading to some people, at least to remember that there is God, a perception or understanding "destroyed" in our times =/, but in some cases, human beings go beyond teachings in the bible and experience a need to understand more deeply what the reality is in itself, what is the creation and the Creator, and for that I do recommend an entire set of divine inspired, philosophical, poetic, etc, kind of books, mostly from the orient (it must mean something =Þ)..

Yes!! Although I don't take my understanding of the true plane of material (perception of) existence on the flat Earth from the bible, it is still very cool that there were other man a long time ago whom actually weren't fooled, enlightened, or having been blessed with true vision of material and para-material reality, and we should all be naturally able to, if most weren't so glued to mundane things, it would be achieved with a peaceful consciousness, able to see truth in everything and distinguish between everything, good/bad, high/low, real/fiction, physical/para-physical, inside/out..

Now, trying to answer Your question in the most honest and brief way (it probably won't be brief..)..

· Immortality is achieved when the understanding of life and death surpasses the physical realm, this illusion of maya, when understood that dead or alive is just a change from non-inertia to inertia state of perception from human point of view, when we die we are still alive, just not attached to this body anymore..

· Enlightenment is the realization of something bigger than the self, physical self, beyond ego, not the essence of what we all are, a small "particle" of the Creator himself.. Understanding of immortality is from 'my' perception, a step to enlightenment, and I can say that the main moral imperative, is understanding ego so it can be conscientiously avoided, and contrary to what most think, there are no actions that don't belong to God, so actually freewill is a bit different from the mainstream view of it, we can only accept or not accept Truth, and at each moment, that acceptance or non-acceptance will have consequences, keeping the cycle running..

It would be easily possible to talk about it for more than a life time, not even getting close to what it actually is, for it can't be described with words, but can be experienced inside, it's actually the only way to find God, searching inside, with a full comprehension of what ego is and do, deciding to attentively, consciously and at every present moment, focus on God, that not only connects You to all and everything outside, for it all resides inside, and if it is the will of God, You'll have the most amazing experience..

Can't describe the indescribable, I'm sorry for that, it is something that each and every individual, when ready, will experience =)

This is my understanding, forgive me for any mistake I might have made, and for not being able to fully answer Your question.

All the best, God bless,

P.S.: Sorry also about the tl;dr; tried to be brief but You might understand it is impossible to describe what goes beyond infinity in a finite (in this case) text =×..