It seems that the number of users of New Year's postcards has decreased with the advancement of digitalization. | デジタル化の進展とともに年賀はがきの利用者が少なくなったらしい。

in #newyearscard3 months ago


Delight, which operates a funeral review site, conducted a survey on the culture of New Year's cards and mourning postcards'' among 1,003 men and women in their 20s to 70s. When asked,Are you planning to send it as a postcard?'', approximately 60% of respondents answered, No,'' (62.6%). When asked,What other means do you consider for New Year's greetings other than New Year's cards?'', the most common answer was LINE (46.7%),'' followed byNot in particular (44.0%).'' %)” and “Email (15.0%)”, but this seems to be a sign of the changing times.