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RE: 12 Facts about the Yamato module

Yamato... from the Japanese 大和, meaning "Great Harmony"! Not bad! Was also the name of a famous battleships. I'm sure these were well thought-out decisions, and not coincidences, so my compliments! There's a strange irony in the words "Great Harmony", as we prepare for the great battles to come, but I prefer to think that the desire for "Great Harmony" actually refers to the NextColony project; at least for me!

The team has come a long way, and taken on a good deal of harsh criticism, which as far as I'm concerned, is undeserved. At the same time, however, I can understand that these criticisms really come from the misinformed, the intentionally ill-informed and those with the "what's in it for me?" mentality.

After reading this post, and the comments, and taking some time to meditate on all that I've learned and experienced in this project, I finally began to have a clearer vision of how this game is evolving. As a gamer, my first reaction was sadness, as I thought that this will create a definite disharmony - pun intended - between the haves and have-nots. But then I remembered the early days - yes, I know, it's still early - but I'm referring to the auction days...

Then, I decided to read the post again, but this time, not as a gamer, but rather, as an entrepreneur. Now it makes a lot of sense! This Yamato module will be the first important step towards honoring those initial investors who really believed in this project. Hopefully, the Legendaries will position those blueprints in enough locations to allow for the greatest access of as many colonies as possible. This, of course, will be a secondary concern, as the primary concern will be the placing of those blueprints in the most strategically profitable locations to benefit the Legendary owners. May they choose well!

I don't believe, however, that the Legendary Earth blueprints should be used solely for contests, but rather, use maybe one or two in areas where no Legendaries exist. The Delta Ring, for example, may have a lot of players not really able to participate as much as they would like to because of the great distance. But this could be done, however, in the second or third season, after we see how things go in the first season.

Well done, NextColony team! It's been an interesting flight so far! Let's continue to go where no man has gone before, in the righteous search for "Great Harmony"!



There's nothing I can add.

You've got it in a nutshell and also done a pretty good research.

How we distribute the 10 blueprints (earth) is not clear yet. What is certain, however, is that it must be random or PoW/PoP. We (the team) can't be the decisive factor.

That makes a lot of sense Oli; in fact, upon reflection, it would be unfair and unacceptable to choose one region over another. The Delta Ring is too vast to cover with just a couple of blueprints. I'm sure things will work themselves out step by step! I certainly hope to win a nice Yamato blueprint!

I think the blueprint contests will be also a lot of fun.