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RE: The nextgencrypto gang, here's the list of associated accounts so far
Mate get your facts straight, I made nogbot which is simply passively reporting to me. Nogalert is not me.
I haven't hidden anything, you're just shit at researching.
Well, if you would do something also about the troll in our midst then you wouldn't get associated in my memory by your equally bad attitude towards me, which had nothing to do with my actions, now would you?
So what was the name of the bot account you flagged me with then?
Are you sure that nextgencrypto isn't trying to imply some association with you? I will find the exact post for you, just give me a minute.
By the way, I just spent all morning doing tedious manual miner benchmarks, because half the miners on nicehash are crashing and messing with my income stream.
So you are causing me a great deal of inconvenience by claiming that you have nothing to do with a bot that flagged me in association with noganoo. If you would just tell me which name it is it would save me from yet another half an hour of tedious repetitive clicking and typing.
Not that I expect you to be considerate enough to do that, but I have to ask, for the sake of being decent about this, if that is your intention.
This comment serves multiple purposes although the target is completely clueless as to how he is being played. (P.S. - Watch him argue with a bot, it's hilarious!)
Oh ffs
You spread FUD, whilst associating with notorious spammers and abusers and openly calling for them to take down the steem blockchain through spam attacks. I shared proof of this with a screenshot, and you banned me from your chat room for it (despite me never saying a word in there).
My flags on you had everything to do with your actions. You just have a selective memory.
Stop editing your past comments if you want to ask questions and get answers, its confusing and fucking up the flow.
I flagged you directly as myself , I commented as nogbot because noganoo made the calibrae account. All of this is clearly on the chain, I don't know why I'm wasting time helping you with basic research.
Maybe because you are now behaving as a troll?
I have heard the other side of these people's stories, and they have not been in the slightest bit aggressive. They are actually doing work towards solving the problem of this platform being dominated by nextgencrypto's pathetic immature bullshit.
You can go right ahead and do whatever you like, mate, but if you keep up this aggressive attitude, which I have heard this also from many other people other than these two you refer to, noganoo and bilalhaider, you will turn people away from this platform when they see what you are doing to people who are trying to get a serious issue of trolling and scamming going on dealt with.
The only reason why you might want to join bernie in the fight is because you also are engaging in abuse of the platform because of its weak as piss defence systems against this kind of activity, and you know very well that is because the guys who set this up, are long time serial racketeers.
I have a high reputation because I was posting stuff that was positive, and posting ideas aimed at trying to move the platform in a positive direction. The numbers prove this.
So get down off your high horse like you have the moral high ground.
This comment serves multiple purposes although the target is completely clueless as to how he is being played. (P.S. - Watch him argue with a bot, it's hilarious!)
Dig through my votes, find proof of where I'm abusing the platform.

You're talking shit, you keep wildly throwing around accusations with zero proof.
When you flagged me over my association with noganoo, you proved that you are just as injudicious as you are claiming I am.
This comment serves multiple purposes although the target is completely clueless as to how he is being played. (P.S. - Watch him argue with a bot, it's hilarious!)
anyway, I think it is clear that nobody in this place gives a shit about shutting down scammers or trolls. It's time I deleted all my copies of my keys to these accounts.
I'm only hanging onto the keys really for the piss little that I have left, to try and help me stay ahead of my bills. But it's not worth this headache.
You'll be back, because you have no self-control and have nothing better to do with your life than get trolled like a little bitch.
This comment serves multiple purposes although the target is completely clueless as to how he is being played. (P.S. - Watch him argue with a bot, it's hilarious!)
found it. @nogbot
So, you're in the clear.
I think I can be forgiven for naming you on that list when you see that plus all the old accounts starting with oz
How many more times your gonna threaten to rage quit? Eh bitch?
This comment serves multiple purposes although the target is completely clueless as to how he is being played. (P.S. - Watch him argue with a bot, it's hilarious!)
Wow such skill, I only had to tell you directly 4 times. And no, you're wrong, you were told you were wrong and now you've proven to yourself you are wrong.
How about removing the wrong information you're spreading.
How about try and stop me from expressing my opinion based on the facts I am seeing, that anyone can see.
I have made a reluctant apology regarding linking your account to bernie's little camerilla and botfarm, and if my simply saying things is a threat to you, then obviously you are afraid of my reputation as being a straight shooter. Even if sometimes I fire at the wrong target, I don't do so out of anything other than the absolutely horrible environment in this place.
Would I like to leave it behind? hell yes. But I'm forking steem to do a service to the innocent victims both past and future of @berniesanders, and so, I am also, by the same logic, obliged to use my high reputation account to draw him out and get some attention to the very serious issue of trolling on the platform, which he is pretty much the main one.
I would like to think that you would not be so stupid as to misinterpret what I am doing here to have anything to do with you, if you are innocent of trolling. If you are angry, then maybe you need to look at who is really the one trying to stir people up in here.
I find it hilarious that you think that.
We should all respect the blind sniper, cos he's a straight shooter. Never mind that he just shot your kids.
Still waiting on that ..
And now I'm stupid to misinterpret your direct accusation of me as being related to me ? I'm not angry, I'm just blunt and call bullshit when I see it. This post, your accusations and most things you've said for the last month - BULLSHIT.
Point to one statement you made in this post that was not an adhominem, and I will stop calling you a troll.
This comment serves multiple purposes although the target is completely clueless as to how he is being played. (P.S. - Watch him argue with a bot, it's hilarious!)
I would have thought, with the difficulties you have with your children, who are probably psychologically tormented by other children, that you would have more of a sense of the importance of dealing with bullying behaviour.
But all you want to do is try and paint me as some kind of bad guy who is scamming so hard that I barely keep ahead of my bills.
Anyway, regardless of all this, there's more than a few things you are not being straight about in all this. So, enjoy the flag party. Maybe you'll get all that anger out that some other bastard is causing to build up in you, that has nothing to do with me, finally.
I'm not gonna back down if you are gonna keep clearly demonstrating that you are an angry little man, with a chip on his shoulder.
This comment serves multiple purposes although the target is completely clueless as to how he is being played. (P.S. - Watch him argue with a bot, it's hilarious!)
I'm not bullying you, I flagged your post that directly accused me of being a scammer. You think bringing my kids into this is going to help ?
I've run out of shits to give about this, just dont mention me directly and I wont respond.
This comment serves multiple purposes although the target is completely clueless as to how he is being played. (P.S. - Watch him argue with a bot, it's hilarious!)