How to Create an NFT Marketplace Platform like OpenSea?

in #nft3 years ago

The popularity of non-fungible tokens has started to soar in the past few years when the world is in the starting stage of the digital revolution. This is when the demand for NFT marketplaces has begun to soar in a considerable way. In present times, there are several more NFT marketplaces prevalent. Though, the NFT space provides a broader opportunity for newcomers to deploy their NFT marketplace.

Some popular NFT marketplaces are OpenSea, Axie Marketplace, NBA Top Shot Marketplace, SuperRare, Rarible, Foundation, and many more. Among these, OpenSea is the most prominent one widely used by NFT enthusiasts for trading. This is why entrepreneurs plan to create and launch an online marketplace like OpenSea.

Are you an aspiring one? Here’s a blog about an OpenSea Clone development for entrepreneurs. Read on to gain insights!

NFT Marketplace - A Brief Introduction

Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are digital assets representing real-world objects such as arts, music, sports moments, in-game items, videos, and many others. However, an NFT marketplace is a medium that enables the trading of digital assets in a simple and hassle-free manner.

Reasons For The Requirement Of An NFT Marketplace

For instance, digital creators like artists have to depend on others to sell their works and nowadays, they can directly mint their works as an NFT and sell it without much difficulty.

But, nowadays, there are no such difficulties as they could easily mint and sell their NFTs in a virtual medium - the NFT marketplace. Here comes the surge of the demand for an online trading platform.

Through this platform, digital creators could make their works to reach the global audience and make money out of it. Undoubtedly, it is a top-notch business niche to be considered in the present circumstances as the trading volume and market capitalization is on a considerable note.

OpenSea - the largest NFT marketplace

An eye-witnessing example of real-time is OpenSea whose trading volume increased from $1.1 million transactions/month to $3.4 billion in August of 2021. This platform supports the trading of digital items and crypto-collectibles with the options of buying and bidding. NFTs that are to be traded are proven to be unique, scarce, usage, and tradable across the globe. This seems to be a significant thing how a trading platform has to be.

OpenSea Clone - An Overview

OpenSea Clone is a readily available solution for NFT-based trading, empowering entrepreneurs to deploy the trading platform instantly. This solution is equipped with salient features and capabilities of a seamless trading (buying and selling) of digital assets. The major advantage of having this is personalized customization in accordance with entrepreneurs’ requirements. The upcoming sections will let you know what OpenSea Clone is about in detail.

How Does An NFT Marketplace Like OpenSea Works?

As mentioned above, OpenSea is the NFT platform for trading digital items and crypto collectibles. Here is the detailed & typical workflow of the NFT marketplace like OpenSea on a brief note. Let’s have a look at the breakdown of the workflow in steps.

Step 1

Either be a seller or buyer, the users should register with the NFT marketplace by specifying the required information. The KYC verification process has to be done in order to ensure identity.

Step 2

The second step is to set up the wallet as users can choose the wallet of their choice in order to store the digital assets in a safer manner.

Step 3

Now, the sellers have to mint their works as NFTs, which is quite similar to uploading images on social networking sites. This will now be available for others who have registered on the platform to buy.

Step 4

After listing the NFTs, they need to choose either the fixed price option or auction. When choosing the fixed price, they have to set the buying price for the listed NFT. In the case of opting for the auction option, they need to set a bid price.

Step 5

On the counterpart, buyers can search for the NFTs they want to buy from the listings. The digital assets are categorized in the platform and so with the help of the filter, they can search for the NFTs instantly.

Step 6

For the buyable NFT, the buyer will own it once making a payment transaction. For the auction, the one who bids the highest at the end of the auction will hold it upon finishing the payment transaction.

Salient Features To Consider For An OpenSea Clone Development

As of now, you will be clear about how OpenSea like NFT marketplace functions. On a quick note, this will be determined by the infusion of features. The following are the significant features that must be considered during an OpenSea Clone development.


The appealing storefront is a much-needed feature of an NFT marketplace like OpenSea. In this, users could see the basic information about the listings, including the price, owners, etc.

Smart search option

The NFTs are listed on the marketplace as platform users can slide through these in order to find the one they would like to buy. The smart search option eases the search process as users could search based on the prices, listing status, collections, and many more.

Create listings

The users can create and upload their digital collectibles with the necessary details such as plugin name, tag, description, and similar ones. The upload of the non-fungible tokens would be identical to uploading the post in the social networking medium.

Buy & Bid

It is vital to consider both the buy & bid option as the sellers in the platform could either perform NFT trading through any of these options. When going for the bid option, sellers have to put details like bid expiration date, bid value, etc.


The white-label OpenSea Clone with the integration of an e-wallet will enable the users to save as well as send & receive non-fungible tokens in a secure way.

Trading history

The trading history will facilitate the platform users to check the history of the NFT trading. Alongside, they can keep track of the payment transactions in an efficient manner.

Prime Characteristics Of A OpenSea Clone Script

The OpenSea Clone Script is well-crafted based on a framework with the following characteristics.


Cross-chain trading of non-fungible tokens provides liquidity. The platform with high liquidity will attract investors to buy & sell NFTs in an instant. The innumerable digital assets listed in the marketplace with a large liquidity pool would make the investors go for the next big purchase.


Simple trading of NFT is a guaranteed factor in which unique and non-interchangeable non-fungible tokens can be bought and sold. Yes, the NFT owners can mint & list the NFT and set up the buying or bidding in the NFT marketplace.


Making this platform support rare items to be listed. So, users could not find those NFTs somewhere else. Hence, a white-label NFT marketplace is designed & developed in a way to accept unique items.


As we all know that non-fungible tokens are unique, these should have a proper standard to define what the tokens are capable of. The "Interoperable" element ensures minting, listing, buying, and selling of NFTs of different standards. The following is a list of some NFT standard tokens.







Diversified Revenue Streams Of An OpenSea Clone

As of the present times, deploying an NFT trading platform would be a remunerative business idea. In terms of trading volume, the NFT market generated $23 billion in 2021, which is evident in the remuneration of the NFT sphere. Here are the different types of revenue modules in which the platform owner could make revenue from the OpenSea Clone.

Listing Fees

The NFT trading platform seems to be a hub for digital collectibles as the digital creators can list their digital works. For doing so, they have to pay a certain percentage of a listing fee.

Transaction Fees/Gas Fees

Whenever the users make transactions for NFT trading, you could charge them a small amount of transaction or gas fees. This is in order to perpetuate the functionality or maintenance of the blockchain network.

Initial Fees

The initial setup fee can be charged from the digital creators or artists when they finish the initial registration process and continue with the funding process in order to list their first NFTs on the trading platform.

Minting Fees

When the platform users want to convert their assets into NFTs, they can do so with the help of the mint option. To do so, you would need to charge a minting fee.

Bidding Fees

The NFT enthusiasts plan to participate in the bidding process to buy a particular NFT can be imposed a specific percentage as a bidding fee.

Make Your Way To OpenSea Like NFT Marketplace Development

Almost coming to the end of this informative blog. Have a thought about launching an NFT based trading platform supporting buying and selling NFTs of different standards? Forge ahead with an OpenSea like NFT marketplace development. For this, you ought to choose a reliable company specializing in delivering the OpenSea Clone solution with the following benefits.

Instant deployment of your platform with the elements of end-to-end customization and scalability.

Support of multi-signature crypto wallets, storing digital assets in a safe & secure way.

The capability of integration of APIs and third-party plugins alongside cross-platform compatibility.

In A Nutshell,

Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs are the buzzing words in today’s world and will make a considerable impact in the upcoming years. NFTs became a fuss, and so, the emergence of the trading platforms has soared. Hence, the choice of deploying an NFT marketplace like OpenSea to make your mark in the NFT space would be better. Reach out to the best OpenSea Clone development company and shape your business idea!