in #nigeria2 months ago (edited)


We need to do what we can to support people when we see they are struggling.

We don't have to have it all together or be very wealthy to support others.

This is because support doesn't always have to be financial.

There are other forms of support, like offering emotional help, giving a listening ear, and being there for people when they need us.

We don't need to be related or best friends with someone to choose to support them.

There are people we don't know very well who need something we can give.

Sometimes it can be a word of encouragement; sometimes, it can be advice or a relevant piece of information.

The last time I supported someone, was last week Tuesday. He was walking ahead of me with his hands full as he was carrying some heavy bags. I knew we were almost heading the same direction, so I offered to help him carry some of the load since I wasn't holding anything myself.

He agreed with a smile that signalled relief and we walked off into the distance talking till I got to where I was going to take a different turn and I handed him back his bag.

He thanked me and even offered some money which I politely turned down. This is because I didn't help because of the money but because I just saw an opportunity to assist another human in the way that I could.

The point is, we should always be open to helping and supporting others.

And it doesn't always have to be financial support.


So true! Support comes in many forms, and every little bit counts. Thanks for the reminder!

You are welcome. Thanks for commenting 😁