It Is Not Normal

in #nigeria6 years ago

By: Olanrewaju Ojuoluwa

"Rulers used to honourably vacate their thrones and, willfully end their own lives when they failed the people in time past; those were the days when men were noble!"

The heart of man is desperately wicked says the Holy Book. One may have to wonder how sophisticated the minds of the manufacturers of these deadly weapons of destruction must be. Weapons meant to annihilate fellow human lives. Weapons that cause excruciating pains to their victims. Weapons that cause everlasting damages. Deadly weapons that cause children to become orphans; wives to become widows and, parents to become helpless.

Naturally, evil is recalcitrant. An iota of it when allowed or permitted to stay would multiply and become rooted. Hence, the society is at risk when evil is (at all) accepted and/or accommodated because it will not only take its toll on the people, it will also become a norm that may no longer be repelled.

How in our widest dreams/nightmares would we have ever imagined that a time (like this) would come when explosions and bombings (which are occurrences we used to see only on TV screens: in action movies and news about Pakistan/Iraq war years before now) would become a part of our daily living in this part of the world such that, just as it was rampant over there then, so also is it now down here. It has gotten so bad that whenever reports of bombings and attacks are heard, all that follow is saddening number of human casualties.

Until our recent evolution cum civilisation, we were a community of people. Community in the sense that, even in the seemingly urban centres then, we cared for, and loved one another. Then, when a member of the community (either young or old) dies, we all come together to mourn and celebrate the life of such as occasion serves. Then, we so much valued human lives that, the death of just one person in a typical community in those days would cause all to mourn for days. Mind you, the importance placed on the deceased is not because s/he is the community head but, because every life was seen as a potential destiny. Then, even when the deities demanded human sacrifices, strangers, and not natives, used to fall victim of such as against what is obtainable now - a ti ñ fi omo orè bo orè (even the son of Orè the deity is now being used to appease him on the altar of sacrifice).

Now, I begin to imagine the agonies of my northern brothers and sisters. The shock of being awoken suddenly in the middle of the night, confused about where to start from in the amidst of sporadic gunshots, raging blades of daggers/cutlasses already being used on others (human fleshes) and fierce fire burning houses and other valuable properties all around them in the blink of an eye. Imbroglio, no doubt! How those 'fortunate' enough not to be 'part of the casualties' would have later learnt that, of the 9 family members s/he slept with (together in the same house) hours ago, only s/he, who managed to crawl away and fake death (with an amputated leg already) survived, and, a total of 200+ died in the course of the 'attack'. What Wickedness! What Nonsense! Because of cow? How can the value of a cow be more than that of a human being? These imbeciles suffering from ocunasal must be dealt with!

Can you just imagine, they say we are not at war, but more than 200 people can die overnight on a daily basis without recourse or the least bit of concern from a government that has shown to the world over and over again the highest level of irresponsibility that ever can be, thereby making itself a model of embarrassment and disgrace.

American President, Donald Trump said and I quote, " was BOKO-HARAM, now it's herdsmen, I'm just wondering why Buhari hasn't done anything about the killings... There's no suspect, no arrest has been made!" Before him, former President Barack Obama personally got curious about the kidnapping of the over 200 CHIBOK GIRLS. We are gradually becoming an epitome of scorn and reproach in the league of countries, little wonder Trump keep emphasising on the need for us to be recolonized. Embarrassing, isn't it?

On several occasions, our GCFR would intentionally leave Nigeria for foreign lands (for whatever 'unreasonable' reasons) in the midst of such massacres such as the recent one in Plateau State whereas, responsible leaders of working countries would postpone journeys and, leave 'important' meetings/conferences to empathize with victims of 'mere' natural disasters that have no culprits, and set all concerned agencies on their toes for actions to improve the situation. Talk much more of when such disaster is an act of insurgency or terrorism, such responsible leaders who understand that the people's welfare is their topmost priorities would lead the charge to bring to book the perpetrators. Such is the story of responsible leaders and working countries in contrast to ours.

Come to think of it, Fulani herdsmen that we used to know only carry sticks. Sticks meant to flog and control cows. How come they now carry AK 47s and other sophisticated weapons? How do 'stack illiterates' understand so perfectly how to operate these weapons to the point of mastery that even soldiers cannot face them in fierce battle? Who are their sponsors? Were these weapons smuggled into Nigeria? Or were they ordered alongside arms meant for the Nigerian Army? Isn't the Nigerian Custom compromised already? Aren't there moles in the Nigerian Army? Are these terrorists really herdsmen or are they just camouflaging? Isn't it vivid that the only reason they come in as nomadic herdsmen is to have an excuse to be present in the area they intend to wrought their mayhem? Isn't it vivid that these insurgents have the backing of powers in high authority?

How did we get here? While men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares... We simply slept! There was a time in this country when all you need to do to become successful in life is to get educated! Community members practically contributed monies together to send their ward to school and such would have offers waiting for him/her even before graduation. Then, a time came when all these fizzled away to the point that graduates become stranded even after their service year and have to return home to their parents such that, the same parents that sponsored the child through school would also be the one responsible for the grandchild's education because the young adult is incapacitated.

Now, I'm afraid. I'm afraid because, we are a selfish people. We successfully allowed evil to dwell with us the moment we started our stupid unhealthy competitions of 'I pass my neighbour' and, 'minding our own businesses. These whole mess started when we started caring less about others but ourselves alone! If we as a people could be so careless to let go of our state of comfort and prosperity, to the point that we are where we are now, then it is an easier task for us to trade our 'peace' with crisis and incessant killings all over the place for we are a careless people! I say this because I know our 'I don't Care attitudes', because it is still in the North and the middle belt for now, most of us here in the south see these attacks as being alien and far away as though those affected are not fellow countrymen especially, when it is an obvious attack on the Christian folds.

You know, when an 'unknown' corpse is being carried away, to the neutral observer, it is like mere wood; it however becomes the remains of a person when it is more personal. Food for thought!

Yes, it is true that there are countries passing through hard times, but, there are also countries enjoying relative peace and prosperity. You're right if you say, this is the sign of the end time, but, I must ask you why we are fast tracking ours because according to what I read and understand about the end time, it is going to be in uniformity, hence, what we are passing through now should be same as what Australia or New Zealand or Singapore or China or any of these booming nations also pass through. Therefore, it is not the sign of end time, it is the sign of permitted evil due to carelessness and selfishness.

As far as I am concerned, the 24/7 deflection from APC to PDP is still about the looters who have no love whatsoever for the masses. Hence, we must not be carried away by their show of shame, rather, we should see it as prayer answered to weaken this present breed of dealers cum leaders, thereby bringing their reign to a halt. And, the beginning of a new dawn that will pave the way for new breed of God fearing LEADERS who will have the love of the people at heart and, bring about rapid development to our dear country. This, we deserve and crave for.

And, until we return to our Creator in reconciliation, taking necessary actions against evil in our land, then can we enjoy life as normal citizens in a working country again. Our present situation however IS NOT NORMAL

I am Olanrewaju Ojuoluwa, Youth Advocate and Social Reformer. I am part of an army of dissenters who hate evil and it's perpetrators with perfect hatred. I may not know much, but I am sure that sooner than later, Nigeria and Africa will be fixed for good!WR.jpg