in #nigeria7 years ago

DEAR ALLIES AT~PITFB_IMG_15205321324283644.jpg
By: Olanrewaju Ojuoluwa

At this point in time I, on behalf of every reasonable and progressive Nigerian, especially the Revolutionaries who have taken it upon ourselves to salvage this great country from the hands of scavengers have decided to bring some salient points to your notice, in order for you to know where we stand and where you stand with us.

Against all odds we stood on our feet even when falling was the norm; we identified with, and promoted an unpopular agenda that, it is time for new generation of godly leaders who have the love of the people at heart and, worked vigorously day and night to ensure the average citizen has a voice - his/her stake in the Nigeria project should not be denied him/her (even when it seemed all hope was lost). Some declined opportunities presented them on platters of gold to leave this country for 'greener pastures', unrepentantly determined to fix this land and make Nigeria greener than most thriving countries.

We have made up our minds to see this to the end. It is also expedient that you know that we have decided to totally rid this land of mediocrity. We have vowed to stop at nothing until we achieve this sole purpose of making this land a better place for all and, generations yet unborn. We believe that our watchword; "Youths must live and not just exist, our Parents must enjoy and not endure Life" will become reality soon.

By God, our efforts and struggles are yielding landslide positive results. Our supposed 'unpopular' ideology years back is now a national discussion; all political campaigns (genuine and pseudo) now focus on (the betterment of) the youths and the need for new breed of leaders. The people like never before have practically rejected the existing modalities and political structures, craving for a paradigm shift of power to fresh and, articulate young adults in leadership.

However, it is important that the truth be told (even though it is bitter). Your actions and inactions are making your own freedom more tasking and excruciatingly difficult. How? Isn't it you that come out enmass to grace their rallies thereby increasing their chances of getting cheap popularity they do not deserve? Isn't it you that display how gullible you can be when you struggle for their stipends of poverty and sell your birthright so cheaply? Isn't it you that they (still) send absurd errands that they would not send their maids talk much more of their children? Isn't it you that help them spread propaganda against the truth on social media to counter your own freedom? Isn't it ironical how you yourself are being used to ensure you are ruined and, do not fulfill destiny? Isn't it embarrassing how you kill your conscience and work against the truth even when you know it is at your own detriment?

You have always seen the electioneering period as your season to 'make money' but I'm afraid, your merchandise is not thriving this time around yet, you won't learn your lesson because (I guess) you've been destined for damnation? Haven't you taken time out to ask questions from those who have been their machineries in time past even before you came onboard? Ask how they are fairing, check them out critically then you will know that you're hopeless! While your age mates are craving to make this land a better place, you're busy dieing for crumbs? Crumbs, stipends of poverty and peanuts! Shame, you are a disgrace to your generation.

On your inactions, you are worse! You can complain till eternity about the gloomy state of the country yet, you won't spare time to go get your PVC, a priceless weapon you must use to right the wrongs. Isn't that disheartening? Your complaints are invalid and you are out of the equation. You're considered to be inexistent because you are worthless and of no value to our collective growth and development as a people. You can be reckoned with as unnecessary junks occupying spaces, and, invalids sharing with us what is not enough in the first place. An unimportant passive sect that must be done away with. You are causing more harm to our democracy than the enemies of progress are. Your passiveness is a curse that must be broken.

Therefore, because you have decided to enhance the operations of the wicked in this land by being their ally, you're blotted out. I pray God shows you mercy such that what is set to befall the wicked perpetrating evil in this land do not fall upon you as well.

Lastly, the time has come to separate the wheat from the thorns. Therefore, since you have decided not to be involved in what matters, then you must note that, you would not matter in the discourse in the long run indeed. Your plans to frustrate our democracy is no more palatable or accepted. All patriotic Nigerians doing their best to ensure this country becomes a better place dissociate from you until you change your lackadaisical attitudes and do the needful At This Point In Time (AT~PIT)

I am Olanrewaju Ojuoluwa, Youth Advocate, Social Reformer and an arrowhead in the ongoing YOUTH sociopolitical Revolution in Nigeria. I am part of a generation of dissenters with the status quo, an unrepentant hater of evil who do not just fold arms and complain about the gloomy state of the state rather, take actions to effect positive changes that make the difference. I may not know much, but I know that in a short while, Nigeria will be fixed for good.