No Restarts

in #norestarts11 months ago

Did you realise how these people use my work, my wording and verbage to imitate me? It is said imitation is the greatest form for flattery.

I find it flat out annoying and scandalous because I have had to live a life of poverty and struggle to survive, because everytime I find anything, I am interested in my work and ideas are stolen. You have enjoyed stealing my joy, now brave yourself as I come to steal yours.

If you had just leave me alone and let me restart in Vancouver in peace, but no you cunts had to come and bring the garbage to my door from over a decade ago.

The thing about emails is that they are always deleting my emails and reading them or flat out hijacking my accounts.Therefore, from December 2020. I started preparing myself and recording all my telephone conversations and all my in person conversations with people. You know why? Because the favourite phrase of my abusers, is stop calling making allegations without proof.

I didn't want to go public until I made sure, I had the proof of everything I accused these individuals of. The fact that anyone can be so twisted to live under the same roof as someone knowing you are stabbing them in the back is so messed the fucked up.

Lately, I like to watch people carrying on and coming to attack me, knowing fully well what they're doing. I would just sit back and think I know which episode of my life, this is copied from. I would recorded phone conversations or I write down the events in a book or I sent it to one of my emails that have not been hijacked. I started writing and speaking in different languages because, the paranoia had become real and it has not felt, safe for a long time. It is said things, would get worse before they can get better, how much worse can they become for me? 20 years of my life has been stolen and I didn't even now why it happened, because I have committed no crime.

However, I was assure the persons behind my grief and abuses would pay gravely for what they have done to me. Since, they showed no remorse and continued to target and abuse me and keep me in a state of distress. I was assure what they have done to me, over the years would be unleashed upon them a thousand times worse.

Life, has thought me to be prepared. Now that I have linked Mississauga and all of the Ontario abuses to the BC and Vancouver abuses we can now move ahead with my court case. The same bad actors behind the stealing of my identity, stalking, racism, terrorism, doxing, sexual assaults, the lies and threats against my life were involved. These bad actors have been working over time to keep me isolated and in a perpetual state of distress, it is time that the truth comes out.
The truth must be told.

These are no longer allegations, these are facts.

If you are going to continuously attack someone for over two decades. You better be certain, you and everyone and anything you hold dear, have nothing to lose and you are ready die for every slight you've taken to hinder, ridicule and belittle that person.

I am not going to restart again... Either you end me or I would end you. I am tired of starting over, only to be met by the same bad actors.

So Rossana came yesterday evening and she's needed a place to sleep, so she's staying here in my room. I went to work in the morning came back she was still here, she asked if she could stay and extra night and I said yes, it's fine with me. I saw Bambi this evening and Bambi said that Rosanna peed in the toilet and did not flush it and she was making a mess everywhere and not cleaning up. When I came in after 3pm today, I did not see any mess Rosanna was here Bambi wasn't. I spoke to Rosanna gently this evening and said always flush the toilet even if it's to pee always flush it. Rosanna, said to me she always do.

I have no reason to doubt Rosanna, and I am not certain Bambi is being honest. She could be just repeating a false rumour or something she has heard before taking it out of context. Bambi has been nitpicking at me all year and it got particularly bad this spring and Summer so, I take any complaint she makes with a grain of salt. For example I never leave any dirty dishes lying around I wash utensil, I use straight away by hand. However, Bambi has repeatedly said to me, she likes how I am tidy and clean up after myself but I leave droplets of water on the floor when I wash dishes by hand and she walks bare foot🤔. I am not going to be inspecting the floor for a droplet of water everytime I wash something it's ridiculous!! The point is I have been here for over two years and she recently in the past month came making this complaint. Funny, how it was not bought up two years ago.

However, I am not stupid, I know what she's doing. She is nitpicking making me uncomfortable to drive me out. This is why I highly doubt that Rosanna peed in the toilet today and not flush it, but I don't know. I was not here when this " incident" happened. I can only speak about what I know.

I am not going to lie, I am growing really tired of all the restarts of my life, the nitpicking and the drama. 20 years of my life wasted .. never to be regained. Disgraceful what these people have done. I won't have them bread crumbing me.

You want to sue me? Sue me!
You want to kill me ? Murder me!
One thing, I won't allow you to do anymore and that is to silence me or disrespect me!

I am begging you, any threat made against me. I will walk up to you, I would come and find you so you can carry out your mission.

I am waiting for you. If you can't find me. I would give you my address and my location and every move. Let me make this easy for you.

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