RE: Quality talk about @BabsBoard garagesale Issue 9 - Kvalitetsprat om @BabsBoard garasjesalg Utgave 9
Hello @Rupok
You love this site and you know it. We do not control who Upvotes who. We only control the Upvotes of @babsboard and sometimes we talk with @Ramta Reddington. @GentleBot is a programmed robot who act on his own. We have been studying how he works that is all. The only thing we can do is downvoting people that abuse GarageTalk. We are patient and try to give people a chance to behave better like we did with you in the begining.
WE can see that you now are a winner in what we choose to call the @GentleBot Lottery because we have no control of who he Upvotes.
Advice: If you want to be successful like us, study Steemit everyday and work hard. That is what we have been doing for 2 years.
That is the formula - Easy to do, but also so easy not to do.
Special advice about Steemit: Power Up - That is how you earn more when you do the same thing and people will love and respect you.
@BabsBoard - Now YOU know why - we fix everything
Thank's a lot to you sir @babsboard.After i started following you my activities in steemit have changed.I am new here that's why i some times can't understand the massage.But you are my inspiration @babsboard sir.I just love this garage sale.I love the biding game.Thank's for your advice and i will surely try to follow your advice.I believe that @babsboard can fix every thing.
Yes @rupok you are absolutely right @babsboard always fix everything.
Thanks again @gentlebot