Hello OBN and good week to everyone,
Everyone has had a week of stable Cryptocurrencies prices in general and the steem price is still around $ 4.
Congratulations @Aminekad, you must be a good researcher to find the video :) I advise you to transform the sum into Steem Power to progress quickly.
Congrats to @aminekad. I now feel pretty stupid for not hearing that sound in her song as I have listen to it about 10 times because it was the only one that was simulare.
Do not worry, it shows that you have searched and try your luck and c to have found the song even if you have not won but it shows that you have made an effort and the next few times you will surely succeed.
Hi @Aminekad
We are very happy to have you as a winner.
You wil have the price money powerd up to your account during sunday.
Stay tuned and once a gain congratulation :)
I would like to inform everyone here that I received the T-shirt that OBN sent me, I will wear it and take a picture and show it to you next week.
Thank you @onebitnews I wish you a great success on steemit.
are you waiting until you are cured of the flu or what? :) it does not matter take a picture with the T-shirt even if you look pale and tired! lol
good recovery @redouanemez and congrats for the nice T-shirt
Vil begynne med å si gratulerer til @aminekad! Det var skikkelig godt jobbet å klare å høre at den lyden var fra den sangen. Har aldri hatt sjans til å klare meg på lyden av Steem, så blir så imponert når andre finner riktig svar.
Kaffekoppen er klar, så nå er det tid for å lese gjennom magasinet. Håper dere har en fin uke, så snakkes vi nok i kommentarfeltet :)
Hi @onebitnews and all the members, firstly I congratulate @Aminekad he had to make a great effort to find the right answer because it was not easy.
I inform you that I am a little sick of the flu this week because of the climatic disturbances that Morocco knows these last days but in spite of that I will remain faithful and participate with good contents as usual.
We have all noticed that the price of the Steem is stable in 4 USD and the price of the SBD has risen a bit and comes to 5 USD.
Hello @Redouanemez
To bad that you have gotten sick, but hope for you to get well soon.
It is nice to see a stabil price on STEEM but even more nice that the SBD has risen so high that we can get some "free" SBD when we go on the market.
We are glad that you come with quality content even if you are sick.
Get well soon.
Kindest regards @Gyldenhorn
for @Onebitnews
Torsdag morgon, roleg på jobben. Då er det rett inn og lese den nye utgåva - vekas steemhøgdepunkt? Då har eg litt å gjere på innimellom jobb, til Rally Sweden byrjar i kveld (jippiiii!). Anbefalar alle å få med seg Colin's Crest, der dei kan hoppe over 40 meter.
Hei @Driftnerd
Det er aldri feil med en rolig dag på jobben :) Hvordan gikk det i Rally Sweeden?
Ser ikke så mye på WRC selv, men er super glad i wrc7 spillet på PS4.
Tror dette er en av de spilla jeg har spilt mest ved siden av Battlefront og WOW
Mvh @Gyldenhorn
for @Onebitnews
Congratulations to @aminekad! I'm glad a guy from my country get the sound of steem
regarding the stability of STEEM on the value of 4 USD, it seems to me from a glimpse on the curve of its evolution that after a stability, there is always an increase. So hodl your steem guys, it will go UP :
Hello @Hasmez
It was nice to see that we can have a varity of people all around the world that can participate and win our Sound of STEEM contest :)
I also agree with you that now it is time to hodl STEEM and maybe get some more for those who can.
We belive that all 2018 is a good time to hodle :)
Hi @Lovework
The price will ris and we at OBN are still thinking that it will be around 100$ late 2018.
So it is maby slowly now, but I will pick up in pace during this year.
Hello OBN and good week to everyone,
Everyone has had a week of stable Cryptocurrencies prices in general and the steem price is still around $ 4.
Congratulations @Aminekad, you must be a good researcher to find the video :) I advise you to transform the sum into Steem Power to progress quickly.
We all , gonna be rich soon ,I just followed you
Congrats to @aminekad. I now feel pretty stupid for not hearing that sound in her song as I have listen to it about 10 times because it was the only one that was simulare.
Do not worry, it shows that you have searched and try your luck and c to have found the song even if you have not won but it shows that you have made an effort and the next few times you will surely succeed.
congratulations for @Aminekad
while waiting for your next riddles.
thank you OBN
I have the honor and pleasure of being a member of this community of steemians and especially the obn followers who provided this space.
I thank all who congratulated me on the occasion of my statement as the winner of the sound of steem game.
I believe that providing an effort gives a positive result either to reach the set goal or to learn.
Good luck for everyone in the next obn challenges.
Pleased to be with you and I hope for everyone and for me too to have enough energy to help each other to reach higher degrees on this platform.
Hi @Aminekad

We are very happy to have you as a winner.
You wil have the price money powerd up to your account during sunday.
Stay tuned and once a gain congratulation :)
Kindest regards
Thank you very much for this opportunity that you have offered to OBN's followers. This is one of the best motivational strategies.
In relation to the issue 14 ECONOMY, I think it is better to convert this amount to steem power.
congratulation @aminekad ..let's celebrate your victory with a glorious party
Hi @aminekad,
@soundlegion has posted a comment in onebitgames issue :)
I would like to inform everyone here that I received the T-shirt that OBN sent me, I will wear it and take a picture and show it to you next week.
Thank you @onebitnews I wish you a great success on steemit.
are you waiting until you are cured of the flu or what? :) it does not matter take a picture with the T-shirt even if you look pale and tired! lol
good recovery @redouanemez and congrats for the nice T-shirt
I guessed well. I wrote on a comment that @aminekad got it.
Congratulations @aminekad.
God morgen, @onebitnews.
Vil begynne med å si gratulerer til @aminekad! Det var skikkelig godt jobbet å klare å høre at den lyden var fra den sangen. Har aldri hatt sjans til å klare meg på lyden av Steem, så blir så imponert når andre finner riktig svar.
Kaffekoppen er klar, så nå er det tid for å lese gjennom magasinet. Håper dere har en fin uke, så snakkes vi nok i kommentarfeltet :)
Hilsen @valth
Hei @Valth
Håper kaffen og magasinet stod til forventningene :)
Du får gi Lyden av STEEM en mulighet når den er tilbake igjen. Kan jo fort være noen ekstra STEEM å hente der.
Håper helgen har vært bra!
Hi @onebitnews and all the members, firstly I congratulate @Aminekad he had to make a great effort to find the right answer because it was not easy.
I inform you that I am a little sick of the flu this week because of the climatic disturbances that Morocco knows these last days but in spite of that I will remain faithful and participate with good contents as usual.
We have all noticed that the price of the Steem is stable in 4 USD and the price of the SBD has risen a bit and comes to 5 USD.
Hello @Redouanemez

To bad that you have gotten sick, but hope for you to get well soon.
It is nice to see a stabil price on STEEM but even more nice that the SBD has risen so high that we can get some "free" SBD when we go on the market.
We are glad that you come with quality content even if you are sick.
Get well soon.
Kindest regards
Torsdag morgon, roleg på jobben. Då er det rett inn og lese den nye utgåva - vekas steemhøgdepunkt? Då har eg litt å gjere på innimellom jobb, til Rally Sweden byrjar i kveld (jippiiii!). Anbefalar alle å få med seg Colin's Crest, der dei kan hoppe over 40 meter.

Hei @Driftnerd

Det er aldri feil med en rolig dag på jobben :) Hvordan gikk det i Rally Sweeden?
Ser ikke så mye på WRC selv, men er super glad i wrc7 spillet på PS4.
Tror dette er en av de spilla jeg har spilt mest ved siden av Battlefront og WOW
Interessa kan fort byrje ved at ein spelar WRC/rally spel, så pass deg :) Det vart ein fin fin 3. og 6. plass på dei beste norske.
Congratulations to @aminekad! I'm glad a guy from my country get the sound of steem
regarding the stability of STEEM on the value of 4 USD, it seems to me from a glimpse on the curve of its evolution that after a stability, there is always an increase. So hodl your steem guys, it will go UP :
Hello @Hasmez
It was nice to see that we can have a varity of people all around the world that can participate and win our Sound of STEEM contest :)
I also agree with you that now it is time to hodl STEEM and maybe get some more for those who can.
We belive that all 2018 is a good time to hodle :)
Kindest regards
I also think that the price of the steem will increase in the coming days and months but slowly.
Hi @Lovework

The price will ris and we at OBN are still thinking that it will be around 100$ late 2018.
So it is maby slowly now, but I will pick up in pace during this year.