One Bit News - Your STEEM Magazine - Issue 15

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

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Now it is soon time for our first meet-up hosted by us here at @Onebitnews. We are looking forward to meet all of you and just want to remind you who havent gotten a ticket yt, that there are still 4 to go with a huge cash back.

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Welcome back OBN.

This week is as rich as usual where the opportunity is offered to solve the enigma of sound of steem, so we will discover together news related to music and enrich our information in the field of economics and technology.

The idea of ​​suggesting we expose things we do not need is a good idea. I lived like this experience in Japan during the month of September. I will share with you this experience very briefly:

The association of parents of students in some schools in Japan organizes a day during which each family brings to the school an antique thing and exposes it for sale within the school. each of the guests at the event, among the parents of the students and the inhabitants of the city goes around the school and buys what he wants. the funds raised are donated to the school to meet the funding needs it has. In this way, parents of students contribute to the financing of their children's education in a very intelligent, supportive and participative way.

As far as the meeting is concerned, personally I am impatient to know how it will happen especially since it brings together specialists in several fields and surely the debate will be very rich. by this opportunity let me ask you a favor to report in detail how it will unfold.

Hello @Aminekad
Nice to hear that you have stayed in Japan for a time.
We have some of the same as you mention with the students and parents who bring stuff to school to sell.
In Norway it is called a fleemarket and here Schools or other institutions go around in the neighborhood and gather old stuff and agrange a huge sell of.
So in that way the manage to get a lot of ekstra money for some project they are doing.

We will also write a good dokumentary of the meet-up and present it here in the magazine so stay tuned :)

Kindest regards

This idea of ​​selling something on the platform is a good idea, frankly I already ask this question if we can do it on steemit to a few people on steemit a long time ago but I have not received an answer! so now I have appreciated the fact that it is especially foolish with OBN, and I have already left a proposal to sell a scanner printer.

Hello @Lovework
Good to see that you have put up an ad :)
We at OBN have been planing to start a garage sale here at the Steemit society for a while and we see that some of you already grabed the oportunity to sell something now.
So stay tuned and read the next issue also. I think you will be suprised
Kindest regards

Skal helt klart komme meg på neste meetup, budsjettet tillot det desverre ikke denne gangen her.
Den brukt tråden var forresten en genial ide, håper den blir populær nok til å bli et fast innslag.
obn har jo helt klart blitt et knutepunkt for oss nordmenn, så større sannsynlighet for at folk sjekker ut poster via dere.
Fortsett med det flotte arbeidet folkens :)

Hei @K3NB0B

Det er ikke noe problem hvis du vil på møte.
Skal jeg kjøpe en billett til deg?

Som de sier i denne videoen (hvis du ikke kan språket):
Det er forferdelig å ikke ha Bilet (billett)!
Har du ikke Bilet?
Klart du skal få Bilet du kan få 2 Bilet hvis du blir glad da ;)

Med vennlig hilsen @BabsBoard - the CashBack King

Er jo isåfall umulig å si nei til det, men tror jeg har bommet på datoen. Trodde fristen var over?
Hadde egentlig midler etter en powerdown, men brukte det på powerup og upvotes. Sitter igjen med typ 15 SBD.

Hei @OneBitNews

Jeg bestiller herved 1 billett til den døgenikten @K3nb0b

Får ha takk for hjelpen :) satt igang ny powerdown nå så du får tilbake sbdn :)

Jeg skal ikke ha tilbake noe som helst. Jeg får CashBack. Nå må du begynne å følge med på hvordan ting virker og jeg spurte aldri om du skulle låne. Jeg spurte om jeg skulle kjøpe en billett til deg. Det står også få Bilet i teksten.

Du har nå en billett, det er bare å møte opp!

Tusen takk :) er klar over cashbacken, men sitter ikke helt riktig med folk som meg å ikke gi noe tilbake for en tjeneste.

It's hard to believe another week has gone by, I'm sorry to say I can't make the Meetup but I wish you all a very good time and can't wait to hear all about it. I also want to say thank you @onebitnews and @babsboard, I received my T-shirt this week and it fits perfect.


Sincerely, @tbnfl4sun

Hi @Tbnfl4sun
So nice to see that the t-shirt has arrived safe!
Since you live on the other side of the world compared to us, you are exused not to come at the meet-up, but we want to see a picture from one of your meet-ups in Florida, next time you go to one. And ofc you have to use the t-shirt.
Kindest regards

Yes it was a long trip for that shirt,you will see it in my blogs also.
How many people can say thay have a shirt that was imported
from Norway? Thanks agian @gyldenhorn!

Congratulations @tbnfl4sun for the T-shirt, I too liked it and it fits perfectly to what I asked my thanks also to @onebitnews and @babsboard

Congratulations for the T-shirt @tbnfl4sun


Yay :-) Har vært busy med flytting og greier, men nå har jeg endelig kommet på plass og da er det godt å kunne sette seg ned med en ny utgave av OBN!

Deilig å bli ferdig med å flytte @Parywalrus :)
Har du flytet langt?
Håper du også fant noe spennede i denne utgaven av OBN.

Vi gleder oss til å se deg på meet-upen som kommer snart.

What I liked the most in this week's issues of OBN magazine, is the GARAGE SALE! man you are serious here! When you put something in your mind, you go ahead directly into execution.
I will search for something to sell but I have a question : is this permanent or just for this week? Cause I'm far from home right now and I will be back after ten days. So if I found something to sell, it will be after the next OBN issue.
Many thanks


Hello @Hasmez
Good to see that you liked our little plan of introdusing a garage sale :)
In this issue it is strictly a test for the Steemit academy to learn how to make value with out making a blog.
But, this is a idea we have worked on for a while so we are not letting this go.
So just pick up something you dont need when you come home, take a picture and post it :)
garasjesalg 1.png
Kindest regards

i just saw @flatman get a cashback for the potential buyer even before finding him! And in case there is no buyer, the seller benifits from this cashback. As @barbro said : "it's a win win stuation".
this is great from you @onebitnews!

Can steem go to moon??? What do you think dear steemit friends???


how to get votes?
I think the way to get votes is to impress the reader.
if the reader is amazed, the reader will automatically give their vote.
and if the reader is not fascinated, the reader will not read again.
I think this is the master @onebitnews.
thank you

Ble ikke mulig for meg denne gangen gitt. Får heller se om jeg ikke tar turen innom østlandet til våren eller sommeren og kan ta et besøk da.

De av dere som skal får hvertfall ha et fortreffelig meetup! Etter å ha vært med en hel haug andre steemians til CERN her for halvannen uke siden kan jeg bare si at det er utrolig morro med slike meetups :)

Stå på!

Det hadde vært hyggelig om du fant tid i løpet av våren til å stikke innom kontorene til @Onebitnews @Fredrikaa
Vi skal ha kaffen klar vi!

Hos OBN kan vi ikke skilte med Meet-up hos CERN og en kikke på LHC, men mann skal ikke kimse av OBN sine fantastiske kontorer med slående utsikt heller :)
Kos deg masse videre @Fredrikaa så får vi satse på å møtes en annen gang.


I find it amazing that you were able to go visit Cern, I checked out your last post and I'm amazed that you met an astronaut from Italy.

A big thumbs up from Chuck Norris don't happen often!

welcome to everyone in the fifteenth edition of our famous OBN magazine! there is little time left for the meeting and we look forward to how it will unfold while hoping that the participants will tell us how will be spent.

my wishes to all members of OBN to have a good week 15 with rich and informative content as usual !