Child torture by the state via schools.

in #not3 years ago



I write this for my friend in Nigeria #nevies.

Back ground.

March the 12th 2020 was the date here in Poland when the government announced "2 weeks to flatten the curve" With regards convid1984.
The now infamous prison terminology "lock down" was also introduced into ordinary peoples dialect via TV, radio and newsrags people call newspapers.

People were told not to leave their homes for 2 weeks. It was not a luxury I could afford as I have 2 apartments and a farm 5 miles away. We were residing at an apartment where we have a dog, cat and a guinea pig. At the farm we have 3 cats that live outside that turned up on their own accord that I feed daily. So staying in for 2 weeks is not an option or luxury I can afford. There is also a stray dog that relies on me for food at the farm every day. 7 years and counting now. He looks a little bit like this.


Back to my headline regards children.

At that time here they also closed schools and colleges. All children then had to learn from home via bits of paper handed out via windows once a week from the schools. After 2 weeks it turned into learning online via zoom which is video online. The teacher would sit in front of a webcam and try to do lessons live online. More often than not the internet would be bad and most of the lessons were not even worth taking part in.

After 2 months of this the children were invited back to school but with restrictions.

They had to wear a mask all day. Were not allowed to sit next to friends. Were not allowed to use the playground full stop.
Not allowed outside at break times.
Had to sit in the hallways for lunch time with a minimum 1 meter between them and friends.

All fun was gone and they were forced to walk in masks single file 1 meter apart.

  • Day 1 back at school.

When my daughter (8 years old) came home she was in tears. Not allowed all day to talk to friends.
Forced to wear a mask all day.
Not allowed food or a drink.
Not allowed outside.
Not allowed to be a child.
She felt and rightly so "tortured."

We took the decision that day to resign from state schooling and enrol in a home schooling course.


Child torture.

For around 8 months of last year children were not allowed out without being accompanied by an adult.
They were also for many months banned from playing on outside playgrounds. You know - swings and slides.

I never stopped my daughter from going to the playground. Often though she was on the swing totally alone.

I could see the sadness in her eyes as she swung alone. Confused why no other child would come and say hello and play.
As much as I tried my best to comfort her and try to explain it was not her fault. I could see my words had no impact as the tears welled in her tiny eyes.
I would estimate 99% of parents locked their children at home for many, many months.

Most children lost over a year of freedom at a time where it is important to socialise and play.

There were also exams not only postponed but scrapped all together.
So we have 1 year of school leavers with no qualifications at all.

  • Higher education.

I met a waiter at my favourite restaurant last summer. He was at college studying finance. He had been told they are not invited back again since lock down. His chosen subject was no longer considered worthy of attendance at college, and they said he could learn all he needs online. So now he is a waiter instead.
His entire life changed over night. His future too.

Even worse though the government ordered all bars, restaurants, hotels and venues apart from shops to close.
Around 8 months of last year and this year they were all closed. So he even lost his wage from that job.

Only people studying the medical field are allowed to attend college now.

I can see the reason why as there are a lot of foreign medical students here and they do not want to lose that revenue stream.

I have tried as much as possible for the last 18 months to fill my daughters life with happiness and joy. I can in no way make up for all those months she had with not a single friend in the world to play with.

I consider what has happened to young people nothing short of torture.

There has been a clear effort to dehumanise them. Alienate them from friends. And break their spirit.

I heard they also made them sit in classes at school with all the windows open when it was cold. My daughter had left by then.

I am glad to hear that none of this happened in Nigeria. It did here in Europe though.

Belarus which is not far from me also refused to play along with lock downs, masks and operation fear.
There were early attempts to topple their government last year. It failed, they who ever they are failed too.
It was mooted to be the CIA.

Sweden never played along neither.

I do consider it tantamount to child cruelty.

I hope this gives you some insight into what has happened here this last year and 6 months or so.

Have a superb weekend, And stay happy good people.

As someone once wrote. "Don't let the bastards grind you down."

Peace and out.

P.S love you mom, and thank you for reading what I write.