Breaking the monopolies of social media with Solcial

In an evolving world of rapid digitization, an unfair & unjust economic set-up & is a major growth inhibiting factor that must be curbed by deliberate and concerted solutions. 2022 is another year with its own attendant challenges and with a shaky market and a covid-19-19 market that has really grounded global systems. In all this misfortunes Solcial seems to have it's hand wrapped around breaking the seige of social monopolies. Solcial innovations are not just blockchain enabled but birthed out of uncertainties, opportunities, past realities and future prospects of crypto.


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Social media overview at the moment.

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Going by facts and obvious currencies as at today, 98% of social media platforms wields a monopoly that puts the expressionary freedom & data privacy of alot of people at risk.

Because "data is the new oil"
the custodians of this social media platforms have leveraged on the avalanche of user data to gained enormous financial power and power over free speech while the users gain literally nothing.

They've been countless stories content creators been underpaid, unfairly censored etc and it's high time this social media trajectory of slavery ought to be stopped.

There is no better time than now to end this monopolies.


2022 is just getting started and it is up to us to either strive to change the status quo or continue to wallow in their 'social slavery' . So far they've been significant breakthroughs in the crypto-space especially in lending through Defi, digitization/monetization of arts through NFTs and the other accompanied innovations with the impremature of Web3 that can change the erstwhile culture of monopoly on the
crypto-space, users deserve a social media platform that is all about them and the potentials they can get from using the social tokens.

World trends and the life changing realities of crypto.

Web3 holds a plethora potentials and opportunities for the world right now, social media solutions with underlying web3 infrastructure can immensely change the lives of creators and social media users and this exactly what blockchain stands for (breaking monopolies and giving the power to the individual) web3 is really a great innovation to look out for henceforth and Solcial is one such innovation, a decentralized social network that gives users immense power interact, protect and monetize their activities on the social media space without been hounded by censorship.




