Detective Masochist - hentai visual novels
Detective Masochist is an audiovisual hentai novel designed to satisfy the desire of players who want a tangled story of female domination. It all begins with the protagonist, a young detective hungry for success in his paltry career. He spends time with his childhood companion Satomi, who cares for him like a best friend. In contrast, Satomi is a brilliant student with a great future, but her loyalty to their friendship is unshakable. All this quickly changes when the detective decides to pursue a successful career. A mysterious stranger pushes him to fulfill his desire, which adds a twist: Satomi transforms from an obedient girlfriend to a sadistic, erotically dominant woman. Her new identity gains pleasure by exhausting and teasing him, and their relationship plunges into the freshly baked depths of sadomasochism. This turns out to be both a blessing and a curse, as the protagonist succumbs to her relentless influence, still wondering what will happen to their friendship if he ever manages to break the curse.