Now Playing Week 42 | Ode To My Family & When You're Gone by The Cranberries💕

in #nowplaying6 years ago

Hello there, beautiful friends from Steemit!💕

Since a few days ago, I've been remembering Dolores O'Riordan and her band a lot, because I miss her :(. I was just a child when they released their debut album, I know, but my mother used to listening to them from that time, so even though I was a child, I listened to them too, with her, so I knew them since that time, it's like they've spent my whole childhood with me, they're a part of me and my taste in music now, and they've influenced so much on it. I felt so sad when I knew that she died :(, it's a huge loss all for us fans, she was an AMAZING singer, and so beautiful, and pure, talented, it's just a shame she left us :(.

Anyway, these days I've been so obsessed with this two songs, they are gold, I swear, and I wanted to share them with u❤️, their lyrics are gorgeous, and I really hope u like both❤️❤️❤️.

"Ode To My Family" it's a cute ballad that I love, even though I know it's a kind of sad song, I am trying to learn her lyrics, so I can try to sing it some day, haha xD. I'm going to put its lyrics here, so u can sing it! <3

Understand the things I say
Don't turn away from me
'Cause I spent half my life out there
You wouldn't disagree
D'you see me, d'you see
Do you like me, do you like me standing there
D'you notice, d'you know
Do you see me, do you see me
Does anyone care?

Unhappiness, where's when I was young
And we didn't give a damn
'Cause we were raised
To see life as a fun and take it if we can
My mother, my mother she'd hold me
Did she hold me, when I was out there
My father, my father, he liked me
Oh he liked me, does anyone care?

Understand what I've become
It wasn't my design
And people everywhere think
Something better than I am
But I miss you, I miss
'Cause I liked it, 'cause I liked it
When I was out there
D'you know this, d'you know
You did not find me, you did not find
Does anyone care?

Unhappiness was when I was young
And we didn't give a damn
'Cause we were raised
To see life as fun and take it if we can
My mother, my mother she'd hold me
Did she hold me, when I was out there
My father, my father, he liked me
Oh he liked me, does anyone care?

Does anyone care?
Does anyone care?
Does anyone care?
Does anyone care?
Does anyone care?
Does anyone care?
Does anyone care?

Doo doo doo do, doo doo doo do
Doo doo doo do, doo doo doo do
Doo doo doo do, doo doo doo do
Doo doo doo do, doo doo doo do


The Cranberries.


Ode To My Family.


No Need to Argue (1994).


Dolores O'Riordan and Noel Hogan.

"When You're Gone" it's a love song, but it's also a nostalgic and sad song ): because I think that Dolores wrote her for someone who died, which she loved so much :(, that's why it's so gorgeous❤️, I felt so identified with her, it's unbelievable, I loved her, and still love her, lately it's kinda my mood, so... I hope u like it too!<3 I'm gonna leave here its lyrics too, so u can sing her!

Hold on to love, that is what I do
Now that I've found you
And from above, everything's stinking
They're not around you
And in the night I could be helpless
I could be lonely, sleeping without you
And in the day, everything's complex
There's nothing simple when I'm not around you
And I miss you, when you're gone
That is what I do, bay-, bay-, babe
And it's going to carry on
That is what I knew, bay-, bay-, baby
Hold on to my hands
I feel I'm sinking, sinking without you
And to my mind, everything's stinking
Stinking without you
And in the night I could be helpless
I could be lonely, slipping without you
And in the day, everything's complex
There's nothing simple when I'm not around you
And I miss you, when you're gone
That is what I do, bay-, bay-, babe
And it's going to carry on
That is what I knew, bay-, bay-, baby
Bay-, bay-, baby
Bay-, bay-, babe


The Cranberries.


When You're Gone.


To the Faithful Departed (1997).


Dolores O'Riordan.

As a plus!!!❤️

I wanted to share with you a cover that I made a few time ago to "Zombie", by The Cranberries as well, this is like my favorite song of them, and the most special for me, because it means a lot to me, I really enjoyed recording her, even though it was a little bit difficult to me to sing it, and I really hope u like it!❤️

And if you do, please check out the others covers that I uploaded to my YouTube channel💟, thx!


Another head hangs lowly
Child is slowly taken
And the violence caused such silence
Who are we mistaking?
But, you see it's not me
It's not my family
In your head, in your head
They are fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head in your head they are crying
In your head
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie, ei, ei
What's in your head?
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie ei, ei, ei, oh do do do do do do do do
Another mother's breaking
Heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken
It's the same old thing since 1916
In your head, in your head
They're still fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying
In your head
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie, ei, ei
What's in your head?
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie ei, ei, ei, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ei ei oh

Good vibes for all of u, and thx for reading my post❤️❤️❤️

- Zai❤️


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Artist: The Cranberries.
Song: Ode To My Family.

Artist: The Cranberries.
Song: When You're Gone.