Self-Talk of a True Pimp

in #nsfw7 years ago (edited)

I'm going to be direct with you

I don't give a fuck about you and I don't care what you think about me or

my lifestyle.

What I care about is hustling to stay at the top

of the world and my game.

I've got a whole lot of wealth inside of me

my mind is worth $quadrillions.

I'm vital and strong

a real sexual tyrannosaurus

I don't stop under the sheets.

I outwork you

I out-think you

you can never beat me at anything

that's why she'll always pick me over you.

Nothing you can do will ever catch me by surprise.

I know what you're thinking

I know what you're going to do

before you do.

Give up

Admit I'm the boss

and be happy in your place

and maybe I'll share my harem

for a small price.

I'm a cool ass muthafucker


I'm a real pimp

ya hur me?

a real-life pimp.

I'm the man.

I'm the guy turning your woman's head.

She checks out MY ass

She craves MY dick.

She wants to spend MY money.

She wants ME to tell her how I like it

She wants to be MY whore.

She wants MY cum on her tits.

She wants MY babies in her belly.


I don't give a shit!

She can stand in line like a good gurl and wait

or she can claw and scratch like the bad gurl I know that she is

that she'll be when we fuck like animals until the early morning.

It makes no difference

I'm indifferent to what hottie takes interest in me next

or which slobbering mouth gets the pleasure of housing my great big cock.

or which girl will work my balls

and who gets to watch :p

I'm the man!

you see?

I have the choice


I pick.

She waits

she dreams

I make the dreams come true!

I'm what every man secretly aspires to be

that still has his balls.

I HAVE the balls


you see the difference?

I got a WHOLE LOT of em.

Nuts as big as the bitches suckin on em!


I am fearless

10X superhuman courage.

My eyes will pierce you like a sword

my cold stare will bring you shivers.

My mere presence

a simple glance

will moisturize pussies wherever I go

whoever I see

whatever I do.

It comes with the territory

being the man that I know I am.

I am calmly aggressive

I am in control

I'm the guy who knows the right direction

I put her in her place

right where she wants to be.

Bitches jump on me every chance they get

I don't bat an eye.

I'm used to it

I expect it.

It's just anotha day for me.

Everyone knows I'm the prize

I'm the king.

I'm a lion and I'll bite if you challenge me.

I've got no worries


ya feel me?

I'm free muthafuckers!

I energize on your hate

your weaknesses make me stronger.

your jealously makes me joyful.

your hatred makes me yo boss, fool.


You can't bring a real nigga down.

I beg you to try!

Try it

step in front of me and look me in the eyes


Don't hide from me

I'm the man you want to be!

I'm the guy you are in your wet dreams

while you're wanking in a bathroom I'm spankin a hot bitch with my dick

also in a bathroom :)

Gurlz will go down on dis ever-day

but dey can't bring down dis any-day

Ya hur?

Dey know it

they smell it

they dig it :)

It makes no difference to me

I'm the treasure.

I'm the pleasure.


No exceptions.

The party is ALWAYS happening inside me

I don't need a bitch

they need ME!!!

I tell a bitch what I want

and they listen

and if she don't

she can find herself a nice submissive boy

her loss.

No matter what

I ALWAYS gain.

Your stares only strengthen me.

You aren't even competition to me.

I'm light-years beyond your league.

Every girl and me knows it.


I'm what's happening.

I'm not "in the game"

I don't play no games

I'm the game, itself!

I walk the way I walk

I talk the way I talk

I fuck the way I fuck

I make NO apologies

Absolutely NONE



I'm 100% real

the world is my oyster

it's MY pussy to eat.

I like a hot girl tasting my dick

and she likes it too.

I have no shame having fun

I love a naughty girl.

they love being naughty for me.

It's win-win

all the time.

I like being the man

and gurlz LOVE it!

they can't get enough of it!

I love myself


You think I love myself too much

but I love myself EXACTLY enough

THAT's the key right there.

Take notes, son

you're in the presence of a real G.

Now open the door

and get out of my way ;)


Do we have a real pimp in da house? LOL.

I don't know if this is meant to be serious or not but I found it entertaining and a bit refreshing.

Have yourself a healthy upvote :)

Thanks for the love, homie.

I've read: "Have yourself a filthy whore"

This post received a 3.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @big-cash-spender! For more information, click here!

I think you need to be a bit more direct...

I don't need shit, gansta.

Like a true Romeo and Juliet story.

Fuck that pussy ass bitch Romeo. He's a cock-less man-child.

Juliet would be on my dick before he could pick her a flower.

It's all in your head bruh! Lol jk!

Thought before pen, mindset before self on six pussies orgy ;)


At least you didn't assfucked the universe)

I wouldn't go for its ass. I'd go straight for its pussy
