Nino (Fire Emblem) TG

in #nsfw6 years ago

WARNING! The Following Content is Not Safe For Work and not to be viewed by anyone under the age of 18. It is your Responsibility to turn away from this page if you do not meet the Minimum Age Requirements.

Disclaimer: Nino from Fire Emblem is the Original Copyright of Nintendo and this work is intended to be transformative if erotic in nature. Without Further adieu;


“…which symbolizes his struggle to remain human in light of his changes… Ok that should do it for that part of this paper…”

John saved his work and went off looking for more books deeper in the library. He went over to the Special collections for more sources when something caught his eye.

“Green Gables, Ground Factor 5, wait… what’s this? ‘Gronnblade’?”

He pulled the book off of the shelf to look at it. It was a verdant green with yellow embroidery adorning it in lines. He was amazed that this was even in a public library; it looked like it belonged in some sacred church or a castle from how it appeared…

Shrugging off these questions John decided to get back to work on his essay but he took the book with him to read at home later. It probably didn’t have anything that could improve his paper but he decided to take it as some light reading for his spare time at home.

Hours later the Library began to enter its closing hours and John had saved his paper, nearly finished and he started off for his house on campus.

The hike was mostly uneventful because he knew the way save for something peculiar he thought he saw on one of the signs.

“…hm?” he thought to himself. “Have I seen that sign before?”

He hadn’t really paid much attention to the street signs in his neighborhood as he preferred to find his way around by familiar landmarks and locales but there was something about this sign that he just…well couldn’t read it.

“Abber…Abbol…Alger…what does that say?” he said aloud to no one. “I didn’t know they were making road signs for other foreign languages…”

He started to notice a few other road signs that for the life of him he couldn’t read before he just decided to start ignoring them and get to his house already. This day was just getting too weird…

Finally, he arrived at his white house in his neighborhood near the campus park! He paid no mind to the zip code on his front door because it looked like it was being replaced with the rest of the weird letterings on the street signs.

“What is with the city today…?” he wondered to himself. John made a mental note that whatever the symbols or lettering or whatever the city started to replace its labelings with; John needed to ask someone about what they were because he couldn’t make heads or tails of em…

Getting inside his house John was exhausted as he went to his room and crashed onto his bed to relax. He was about to check his cell for anything new when he spotted something in his reflection on the screen.

John saw on the left side of his bangs some green colored strands of hair.

It looked slightly out of place as it was only on the very ends of his strands of hair. This made John question what happened on the way back to his whether it was dye, a paintball or someone in the library playing a prank…

“Whatever I need a shower anyway…” John lamented.

So, he got up and took off his clothes and went to the washroom with a towel in tow.

As he turned on the water and got it nice and warm he looked over to his toiletries and found that even they couldn’t be deciphered! Now he was getting concerned and a tad annoyed. If this was a joke, it was not funny but if it wasn’t could he be losing his ability to read? It sounded ridiculous but the bottles he knew from his memories looked the same…

John brushed off the crazy theory and went for where he knew he kept the shampoo based on his earlier memories of his evening routine.

As John was showering he noticed that he was a lot ‘softer’ than normal. He never realized his skin was so smooth… Was it the body wash? He never changed what brand he used…

Come to think of it was he always so…dainty? His hands looked smaller and his arms were significantly more thin. The same could also be said for his legs as well…and…guys don’t have butts this…large, do they?

Now John was really concerned, and in the back of his mind something was screaming to him that something wasn’t right but despite it all he ignored it. “Maybe it’s just in my head…” John tried to tell himself.

And the feeling of getting slightly smaller as he stepped out of his shower. Just in his head he told himself. “This is just some really weird afternoon after spending too much time reading small print” he reasoned.

Or at least that’s what he would have kept telling himself until he saw his own reflection in the mirror…

Looking back at him was a girl with a beautiful light green head of short hair and sparkling blue eyes and a short petite figure.

Whatever he did in trying to shower the green off of his hair, it only made it worse evidently.

John was dumbstruck at his new female reflection he; or she now had. John felt her throat for that trademark lump most guys had but lo and behold it was gone.

It took only some precious few moments for ‘John’ to look up at her hair and pull a single strand of light green hair from it to hold in front of her eyes… And that’s when John started screaming.

She, no, he, what was left of ‘he’ had to get help. She didn’t care she was buck naked in her own house while running to the phone. She had slipped and almost fell on the way there though because she barely dried herself off in the bathroom before this whole ordeal!

She got to her phone but still she couldn’t read it! She didn’t even remember anyone’s number she could call! “What’s happening to me?!?” she screamed! “Ahhhh!” she cried out when she was suddenly struck by a scorching heat upon her chest

As “John” looked down at his chest his pecs puffed out and swelled as his nipples poked out of his budding breasts as he saw before his very eyes his breasts growing into B Cups before his very eyes.


Then her stomach and her groin screamed out in pain bringing her to her knees as her erect penis began to recede into her body slowly with her testicles following suit. Some alien movements within her stomach confirmed that she had gained a new uterus.

Undeniably John was a girl, from her head to the toes. “There’s no way this is happening. This is probably just a dream.” It was a long shot of last minute convincing desperately trying to rationalize what had happened to him this afternoon.

“Okay. I’m…I’m going to go to bed now and hopefully this will all have been some great evening dream and I’ll be at the library desk or my bed or something.” He reasoned ignoring the higher pitch in his voice now.

The next order of business was his pajamas. Almost none of them fit him perfectly anymore due to his size reduction but they were at least soft if a little rough on his new more sensitive body.

She eventually settled on some soft pants and a short sleeve shirt for her slumber wear. Boxers wouldn’t do as they were too rough on her skin and she developed this new sense of shame when her thoughts wandered to what boxers would do to her new vagina.

So, he went to sleep without anything on his most private parts under his pajama bottoms and he just started hoping that this would all go away by sunrise the next day.

Lo and behold the next day came and John woke up to the shining sun in the blue sky…which was decidedly not his room.

But it wasn’t just suddenly being outside and finding himself on a grassy hill with a few flowers on it that was the most shocking. For John had a change of clothes somehow while he was out cold.

Now she found herself with some blue boots, a white skirt and undershirt, a blue vest and a purple cape on her body. Feeling something on her head confirmed there was a hairband on her head!

And right beside her was that book…Gronnblade.

She retraced her steps…She got that book as a gift from… Gift? No, it was from…

Her mind was cloudy. It felt like her memories were being shuffled like a deck of cards. Some being removed while others added into the deck.

Her name, no it was…Ni…Nino?

She wasn’t sure why but she had this lingering doubt about what her real name was like there was some other answer but, what else could it possibly be to a question like your own name?

Her mind started to clear up finally and Nino went through how she got here again:

Her name was Nino and she was running a task for the Black Fang. The only family she knew. She got the Gronnblade Tome from Sonia one of its newest members after she married its founder and the tome was a hand-me-down for Sonia had found more powerful spells to use.

“Now I remember! I’ve gotta hurry up!” Nino remembered why she was outside. It was herb collection for the Black Fangs synthesizing works! Mostly for poisons but some potions as well.

And here she was dozing away on the side of a hill! That wouldn’t do for one of the Black Fangs members to slack off on a job or a task as small as this one!

She ran off into the forest well rested and ready to do her best!