Selvaria Bles TG

in #nsfw6 years ago

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Disclaimer: Selvaria Bles from the Valkyria Chronicles Series is the Original Copyright of SEGA and this work is intended to be transformative if erotic in nature. Without Further adieu;


August 20th New Jersey, Peterston City Museum of World Mythology, Archives Section

Paul Nall was an ordinary run of the mill archivist at his city’s World Mythology Museum. He lived a peaceful if mundane life, and lived his days relatively uneventfully in a memorized routine.

And soon his life would be changed with a mysterious succession of deliveries of new artifacts that were assumed to have come from an archeological dig in Norway.

The new shipments came in and were placed in Row 1658 to be examined at a later date…

On a slow day at the museum Paul found himself browsing through the new finds in the archives when he came across one small white rock with glitters of cyan seeming to show in the places it was fractured. It seemed to glow slightly upon closer examination with the same light blue shine…

It took some effort for Paul to pull his gaze away from the white shard and get back to work but even then, his mind still lingered and wandered to the mysterious rock from time to time…

Minutes gave way to hours at his day shift and then it became closing time as Paul then left for his house to eat, sleep and then repeat the same monotonous routine over again when the sun arose the next day…

Paul had slowly come to and his surroundings he noticed were very…cyan. Quite literally the cot and the walls and ceiling and even some of the furniture within the room he woke up in.

Everything was a light blue in color…

He did not have much time to collect himself and assess his situation for much longer after that before hearing a bloodcurdling scream from what sounded like a girl before he woke up again in his own bedroom! He was confused and startled but Paul was able to shake off the dream easily enough though he got the feeling that something about his body was…different.

It wasn’t until a trip to his washroom that he was able to confirm this as to his reflection it looked as if he had grown three whole inches overnight! Paul was 5’6 ordinarily but now he looked almost 6 feet or 5 foot nine! As a result, his old clothes from before his overnight growth spurt wound up having parts of his arms and legs showing drawing attention to his wrists and ankles…

Paul had little choice but to attend work like this and hope no one would grill him too hard over it. He could just take a day off to buy some new clothes later.

There were some cajoles and haws at Paul’s outfit for the clothes that he chose to wear that day but for the most part his shift went the same as it did every other day barring suddenly being taller than normal…

Further there was news that more pieces of that white rock shard were found in another shipment. They pieced together that the rock came from a shield of some kind with a spiral design engraved upon it with three branching points.

The shield seemed to also have a “sister” of sorts in the form of a mysterious lance with some parts of its rather large “tip” of the spear missing… Only the handle was found alongside the shield with what little parts of the spear’s tip to identify it as such.

The idea of there being more of those beautiful and captivating white rocks embedded itself within Paul’s mind and it would not leave no matter how much he tried to turn his mind to anything else. Topics like his height and the dream only all went back to: “What if the Rocks can solve this?”

Giving in to his mind’s thoughts Paul was going to get up and start heading on over to Row 1658 when he suddenly noticed something else had changed on his body over the course of his shift.

He noticed…that he had a rather big ass.

It was like what you’d see on some models; large perfect globes that went a fair way out from his body…and they both looked delectable. Or at least they would be if he wasn’t the man that they were attached too.

Paul had the common sense to high tail over to the archives before someone noticed the “package” he found himself seated with so he wouldn’t have to start answering some awkward questions about his new “assets.”

Row 1658 seemed to take forever to get to if only because Paul was taking extra care so that no one would notice him and his new big ass by putting his back to any walls he could find and acting natural and hopeing nobody would notice.

Even still by the time Paul made it to 1658 he swore his hips must have grown outward as well because he almost fell a few times on the way over and he noticed that he had started to adopt an entirely new way to walk to account for his balance. It made his lower cheeks seem like they were on some kind of see-saw on his backside but it…it wasn’t so bad. That’s just how most women walk…

He noticed his behind took on a heart shaped form from his hip expansion and his lower body looked really nice...He could catch a nice guy admiring him and staring and maybe he would take him up for an afternoon and-

Wait what was he saying?!?! Oh god for once he wanted his brain to be filled with images of the white rock maybe that will stop him from his sudden fixation on…big…strong…and blonde commanding officers...

And there he goes again…

Stopping himself from fixating on his more feminine features and traits for a moment he opened the box he found with the white rock from yesterday and just like he suspected the other members in the archives made this specific box into the designated location to hold her Valkyr Shield.

Her? Well whatever! The shield was his! He just knew that much and he also thought that the shield could help him in some way.

But just when Paul had taken the shield from its box and he was faced with the question of how he was going to leave the museum with it the shield vanished into a Blue mist that moved to cover him!

The mist sent Paul into a coughing fit as he began to hack uncontrollably only to hear his voice get higher pitched and very different! By the time, he was through Paul suddenly noticed something new he was holding and what he wore on his hands with it!

His hands were covered by black gloves now and within their grip was the final two pieces of her broken lance they were keeping in another room near here! The Gallian Scum!

Wait a minute “Gallian scum”? What was he talking about? Paul’s brain started to feel like it was being shuffled like a deck of cards and he started to have the sneaking suspicion that it would only get worse before it got better.


His shoes do not make those kinds of noises against tile flooring. Paul knows this from years of being at the museum. With dread overcoming and filling him he looked down at his feet. Only to find some new footwear that just so happened to appear on his legs. They appeared to be black boots which so far wasn’t so crazy. Right up until he saw the boots heel, elevated of course.

But he couldn’t dwell on that right now! He had a mission to get that lance back and try to reverse this so off he went!

Paul’s next goal was basically grab the lance handle and leave the museum and then escape from there. In retrospect, he wasn’t sure what he’d do next after he accomplished that but every other thought in his brain told him to stay determined and on target for “the mission” for some reason…

Thankfully Paul knew what he was doing and he knew the historical weapon artifacts and they’re parts for that matter were stored in the sections G-1935a and G-1935b. The “completed” and “broken artifacts” in other words.

Just as he knew it the Lance’s handle was there! It was rather large granted but the design was unmistakably “her lance!”

!!! There that is again! That involuntary “her” referral again. He…no…she… “Oh Forget It!!!” Paul cursed silently to herself. He just took the lance pieces and quickly assembled them together and dematerialized it like it was just something he did all the time and started off to find the exit. He stopped questioning the almost robotic and direct thinking and movements he took to leave the museum he was in the field and there was no room for doubts upon it.

Paul ditched the rest of his shift at the museum because he was not going to risk the reactions of people seeing him magically transform into a woman in front of their very eyes. So he just decided to go back to his house and then assess the damages there.

When he got back to his mirror in the washroom though it was worse than he thought! He never noticed but starting with his eyes they were bright red and his hair had gone white! It was still the same short style he wore though so that hadn’t changed.

And then when the entirety of his chest began to scream in pain he knew deep down in his mind that this was it. The big one.

His pecs started screaming in pain as they felt like they were on fire. Progressively though it started to feel better and better. Scorching infernos turned to waves of ecstasy throughout his body as his once male upper body grew two very luscious mounds upon his new succulent chest.

Unwittingly Paul’s hands had wandered to his groin for indulging in his new pleasures but gripping his boner was only a fleeting task as it seemed to shrink within his grasp! His fingers began trying to chase his retreating manhood only to follow them into a new hole he had discovered that before he knew it he was digging into and causing himself to quiver even more as he slowly gave in.

Pressing and Pushing the inner walls of his slit Paul was worked up into a frenzy as a new pressure built up inside of his body. It was growing and Growing and Growing And!

It burst.

Whatever Paul’s “new load” looked like he didn’t get to examine too closely as he passed out from the exhilaration of his new bodily experience…


When “Paul” awoke again, she was on the floor of that cyan colored room once more. Though now that she could really get a look at it however she noticed that it was not so much that the room was cyan so much as the world around her was tinted cyan.

The next thing that she noticed was that she found herself in an azure patient’s garb. Of course, parts of it’s back were opened to show her backside and especially her large voluptuous bottom and its crack for easy examination if necessary.

Obviously, she reasoned this must be some kind of dream, but what escaped her was where was she? It felt so familiar yet she couldn’t place the name of where she was…

Though before she went exploring she caught herself in the mirror and noticed that her hair had grown rather long. Enough to cover nearly all her backside in fact! It looked good on her she had to admit… However more important matters were taking precedent to her right now so she had to pull herself away from her own vanity and find out where she was.

The halls when she got out were also filtered through that same cyan tint to everything… It looked like a mental ward or hospital wing from the design of the hallways. She didn’t have anything to guide her through the pale blue halls other than instinct initially. However, the faint sound of crying gave her something to follow sometime later.

Coming to a window pane to peer into one of the rooms she saw a young girl with long silver-white hair like her hooked up to a machine feeding her a mysterious liquid directly into her veins.

It was then that the flashbacks hit her full force! This was that lab! She was locked in this lab for years as they experimented on her for her powers! Giving her drugs, running frequent performance tests on her powers, artificial awakenings of her valkyr form using excessive ragnite all of it came flooding back at once until!

Awakening with a sudden start Selvaria quickly composed herself after realizing that it was simply the same nightmares of the Valkyr research labs she had long ago resurfacing again. To this day Selvaria still thanked Prince Maximillian to herself for saving her from that fate…

Selvaria was able to keep composed in light of that episode and she was able to don her black garbs of the E.E.I.A.’s Brigadier General and then got to work on reviewing new recruits for her squadron. Starting with the engineers.