Every time I see children's toys, I think of my own childhood. Childhood is always so carefree, full of laughter and joy. Everyone wants childhood to be still, however Time is always in a hurry,Then let us keep a childlike innocence,Let the moment stop,Enjoy this moment quietly.
I used Canon 700D for this photo.
lindos colores que llenan de alegria y llaman la atencion de cualquier niño asi sea de meses, la infancia es nuestra primera etapa donde somos tan inocentes y vamos a prendiendo al andar, es la etapa mas bonita que debemos tener.
Totally, Thank you very much!
来自于WhereIn Android
由 @hertz300 小Q 迎着飓风 推着推车 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
来自于WhereIn Android
You win!!!! 你赢了! 给你1枚SHOP币!
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Beautiful memories of colourful years:)
totally 😄
来自于WhereIn Android