The Author's problem on Steemit - short guide - /// I problemi dell'Autore su Steemit - breve guida

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)



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industrial sprays, synthetic enamels and collages on cardboard - in my atelier

I share my work with industrial sprays, synthetic enamels and collages, to launch a very important theme on Steemit:

The author's problem.

Every day, hundreds, thousands of posts and articles with the most varied topics appear on our platform.
Posts that cover different topics in all the languages ​​of the world.
A large percentage of these posts is made up of very simple and elementary contents and the author's role is minimal and marginal.

We often limit ourselves to posting a photo of a food or a drink, or the typical photos of pets, or small personal daily reports, in blogs, or contents of the various sports in the world.

A part of the topics is reserved for cryptocurrencies and the various solutions and market indications, or the birth of new apps or platforms.

Another slice of content is represented by the trips accompanied by photographs taken by the traveler himself.
We also have topics reserved for videos or music, and here we are almost safe, because the author's rights are highly respected.

So far the author's problem is quite limited, in the sense that these contents can be created on the basis of personal descriptions and opinions, or from photographs of property, free of copyright, such as those we take in travel, to our animals, to our friends (authorized) to our objects and more.

It is very easy to understand that for these blocks of content and arguments the problem of the author and rights does not arise and will never arise.

Steemit has some peculiarities that make it very interesting and above all unique, the originality of its contents.

On Steemit we only share original content, that is, free from any form of copyright.
This is a necessary, unavoidable condition, because our posts, articles, poems, song designs, are monetized ie we earn with the votes of other users, and we cannot take advantage of their trust.

On Steemit, the biggest problem with the figure of the Author is in the tags art, painting and drawing.
I speak of this, because I am a teacher and an artist, I have been dealing for 40 years, every day with students, artists and performers.
On Steemit it is very common to find posts with reproductive content, studies and copies from other photographs.
No one says it can't be done, just use images free of copyrights.

We can practice with copies and different techniques of drawing and painting, only with images free of copyright, but we cannot declare ourselves Authors.
We are not the Authors. if we want to rise to the rank of an author, the contents must be original, always.

  • An author is the one who creates.

  • An author is one who conceives the idea in his mind.

  • An author creates content that can make people think and continue to discuss in the short, long or in time, sometimes forever.
    This concept is called transdiscorsivity and is expressed by a famous historian and philosopher Michel Foucault.
    In summary it is the possibility offered by the creation of an author (poetry, literature, painting, music) to interact with other discourses linked to that topic, with other authors or users.

  • An author is one who writes a text, based on personal culture, research, study and the creativity and sensibility of his soul.
    A cultural innovator who, with work, hard work, suffering, love and passion creates new contents for the world.
    A partisan of culture, and of research, to which he also dedicates his whole life.


We can learn with graphic training pictorial techniques and image manipulations, but we cannot rise to the level of Author.

We are simply good students who learn, study, consolidate and share the technique.
The technique is not creation but a small part of it.

We do not create original content, but we can share our skill and technical expertise with other users who will appreciate us with the votes, monetizing our post.

The real problems arise when we start writing and sharing articles with images and texts taken from other sources.
This is a problem to be solved with some very simple rules.

  • we always use copyright-free photographs

  • we indicate the source, always.

  • we cannot take a picture with copyright and modify it, we can do it if it is allowed by the rights of the photo itself (it is possible to use the photo with modifications)

  • if we use a photo of another author we must have his permission to use it.
    Even if we only use it as a model, I've seen many of these situations on Steemit, different artists take a photo from the internet and use it to make a portrait or a landscape, we can do it only if the photo is copyright free!
    In this case we are not authors with a capital A.
    We are students, that is we train our ability and our techniques by watching or copying a work by another author.
    It is he, the original artist, the creator of the visual document, photo or painting, not us, and this we must recognize.

Profondo Sopra mixed media 70x100 € 700.JPG
my artwork - private collection - New York -

  • It is not possible to copy and paste from texts of other authors. not even changing a few words, to avoid searching for bots.
  • we read more and more sources and more authors, in conclusion we make OUR synthesis because it is new and could offer ideas for other reflections and above all it is OUR, NEW AND ORIGINAL content.

In this way we deepen and acculturate ourselves, ready for other articles, if we read and study the original documents and sources, new paths are opened for other ideas.
New horizons and new mental openings also for our followers!

  • mention all the sources on which we have studied and deepened our article.

A tip I will never stop spreading is: we take as many photographs as we can, always, on any occasion, we have smartphones with large memory capacities, we fill it with hundreds of photographs. We will need them, on the most diverse occasions.

These are our visual documents that we can rely on, without problems of copyright.

I leave you with a very important consideration; an Author is legally responsible for his creations, that is, for everything he writes, paints, plays or publishes.
Therefore he has great responsibilities and is punishable by the law of all the continents because he assumes in full his responsibilities, opinions, ideas and creations.

We must have respect for the authors and for all the users who share their works and their original contents, they throw the blood over their ideas.

A hug from a simple user.


Condivido un mio lavoro con spray, smalti sintetici e collage, per lanciare un tema molto importante su Steemit:

Il problema dell'Autore.

Tutti i giorni, sulla nostra piattaforma appaiono centinaia, migliaia di post e articoli dagli argomenti più svariati.
Post che riguardano argomenti differenti in tutte le lingue del mondo.
Una grande percentuale di questi post è formata da contenuti molto semplici ed elementari e il ruolo dell'autore è minimo e marginale.

Spesso ci limitiamo a postare una foto di un cibo o una bevanda, oppure le tipiche foto di animali domestici, o piccoli resoconti personali quotidiani, in blog, o contenuti dei vari sports nel mondo.

Una parte dei topic è riservata alle criptovalute e alle varie soluzioni e indicazioni di mercato, oppure alla nascita di nuove app o piattaforme.

Un'altra fetta di contenuti è rappresentata dai viaggi corredate da fotografie scattate dallo stesso viaggiatore.

Abbiamo anche argomenti riservati ai video o alla musica, e qui siamo quasi al sicuro, perchè i diritti di Autore sono molto rispettati.

Fin qui il problema dell'autore è abbastanza limitato, nel senso che questi contenuti possono essere creati sulla base di descrizioni e opinioni personali, o da fotografie di proprietà, libere da copyright, come quelle che scattiamo nei viaggi, ai nostri animali, ai nostri amici (autorizzati) ai nostri oggetti e altro ancora.

E’ molto facile capire che per questi blocchi di contenuti e argomenti il problema dell’autore e dei diritti non si pone e non si porrà mai.

Steemit ha alcune peculiarità che la rendono molto interessante e soprattutto unica, l'originalità dei suoi contenuti.

Su Steemit condividiamo solo contenuti originali, cioè liberi da copyright di qualsiasi forma.
Questa è una condizione necessaria, imprescindibile, perchè i nostri post, articoli, poesie, disegni canzoni, vengono monetizzati cioè noi guadagniamo con i voti di altri utenti, e non possiamo approfittare della loro fiducia.

Su Steemit, il problema più grande sulla figura dell’Autore è nei tag arte, pittura e disegno.
Parlo di questo, perchè sono un insegnante e artista, ho a che fare da 40 anni, tutti i giorni con studenti, artisti e performers.
Su Steemit è molto frequente incontrare post con contenuti di riproduzioni, studi e copie da altre fotografie.
Nessuno dice che non si può fare, basta usare immagini libere da diritti di Autore.

Possiamo esercitarci con copie e tecniche diverse di disegno e pittura, solo con immagini libere da copyright, ma non possiamo dichiararci Autori con la A maiuscola.
Non siamo noi gli Autori. se vogliamo salire al rango di autore, i contenuti devono essere originali, sempre.

  • Un autore è colui che crea.
  • Un autore è colui che concepisce l'idea nella sua mente.
  • Un autore crea contenuti che possono far riflettere e continuare a discutere nel tempo breve,lungo o nella storia, a volte per sempre.
    Questo concetto si chiama transdiscorsività ed è espresso da un celebre storico e filosofo: Michel Foucault.
    In sintesi è la possibilità che offre la creazione di un autore (poesia, letteratura, pittura, musica) di interagire con altri discorsi legati a quell'argomento, con altri autori o fruitori.

Un autore è colui che scrive un testo, fondato sulla cultura personale, sulla ricerca, sullo studio e sulla creatività e sensibilità della SUA anima.
Un innovatore culturale, che con lavoro, fatica, sofferenza, amore e passione crea nuovi contenuti per il mondo.
Un partigiano della cultura, e della ricerca, alla quale dedica anche tutta la sua vita.


Possiamo imparare con allenamenti le tecniche grafiche pittoriche e di manipolazioni di immagini, ma non possiamo elevarci al livello di Autore.

Siamo semplicemente dei bravi studenti che imparano, studiano, consolidano e condividono la tecnica.
La tecnica non è creazione.

Non creiamo contenuti originali, ma possiamo condividerne la nostra bravura e perizia tecnica con altri utenti i quali ci apprezzeranno con i voti, monetizzando il nostro post.

I veri problemi nascono quando cominciamo a scrivere e a condividere articoli con immagini e testi presi da altre fonti.
Questo è un problema da risolvere con alcune regole molto semplici.

  • usiamo sempre fotografie libere da copyright

  • indichiamo la fonte, sempre.

  • non possiamo prendere una foto con copyright e modificarla, possiamo farlo se è consentito dai diritti della foto stessa (è possibile usare la foto con modifiche)

  • se usiamo una foto di un'altro autore dobbiamo avere la sua autorizzazione ad usarla.
    Anche se la usiamo soltanto come modello, ne ho viste molte di queste situazioni su Steemit, diversi artisti prendono una foto da internet e la usano per eseguire un ritratto o un paesaggio, lo possiamo fare solo se la foto è libera da copyright!
    In questo caso non siamo Autori con la A maiuscola.
    Siamo studenti, cioè alleniamo la nostra abilità e le nostre tecniche guardando o copiando un’opera di un altro Autore.
    E’ lui, l’originale artista, il creatore del documento visivo, foto o dipinto, non noi, e questo dobbiamo riconoscerlo.

  • Non è possibile fare copia e incolla da testi di altri autori. nemmeno cambiando qualche parola, per evitare la ricerca dei bot.

  • leggiamo sempre più fonti e più autori, in conclusione facciamo una NOSTRA sintesi perchè è nuova e potrebbe offrire spunti per altre riflessioni e soprattutto è un contenuto NOSTRO, NUOVO E ORIGINALE.

Profondo Sopra mixed media 70x100 € 700.JPG
my artwork - private collection - New York -

In questo modo approfondiamo e ci acculturiamo, pronti per altri articoli, se leggiamo e studiamo i documenti e le fonti originali, si aprono nuove strade per altri idee.
Nuovi orizzonti e nuove aperture mentali anche per i nostri followers!

  • citare tutte le fonti sulle quali abbiamo studiato e approfondito il nostro articolo.

Un consiglio che non smetterò mai di diffondere è: scattiamo quante più fotografie possiamo, sempre, in qualsiasi occasione, abbiamo smartphone con grandi capacità di memoria, riempiamola con centinaia di fotografie. Ci serviranno, nelle occasioni più disparate.

Sono i nostri documenti visivi sui quali possiamo fare affidamento, senza problemi di diritti di Autore.

Vi lascio con una considerazione molto importante; un Autore è responsabile giuridicamente delle sue creazioni, cioè di tutto quello che scrive, dipinge, suona o pubblica.
Quindi ha grandi responsabilità ed è punibile dalla legge di tutti i continenti perchè si assume in toto le sue responsabilità, opinioni, idee e creazioni.

Dobbiamo avere rispetto per gli autori e per tutti gli utenti che condividono le loro opere e i loro contenuti originali, ci buttano il sangue per le loro idee.

Un abbraccio da un semplice utente.
Armando go for a ride, for art lovers.

separatore 2.jpg


Greetings @armandosodano!

Thank you for your input on the matter. Yes, I agree with everything you have said about copyrighted content. In an ideal world, such infringement should not be happening.

Unfortunately , a number of these "artists" tend to have support from various Steemians. We have a fair amount of self-proclaimed curators who support these people. They become aggressive when approached with the issue.

It would seem that Steem Power alone justifies the behavior. We have seen that time and again. I have never seen such pride (superbia) in this space. Someone with no expertise in the arts could position themselves as "curators".

We exist on a platform where many do not respect other creators' copyrights. We exist on a chain where many find ways to justify their behavior. Where do we draw the line? How do we help the stakeholders see that copyright infringement is a serious issue?

People complain that pointing out such errors is harassment or driving artists away. Do they ever consider anyone learned in the arts could take this place seriously? A cesspool of fraud, deceit, and general disregard of other people's intellectual properties.

I have tried to introduce my friends to Steem. They have seen the dystopic muck that runs about. Exposing the posers did not lower Steem price. Flagging people did not lower the price either. Everybody who presented themselves as massive jokes to the world did. We live on a blockchain where investors have no idea how to protect their investments.

In the end, bunch of amateurs. That is the core of the problem. Amateurs positioning themselves as central authorities in things they are not qualified for. It is made worse by them refusing to heed to those who know what they are doing. Is it a wonder that no serious investors want to come into the space?

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I agree with your analysis, this dilettantism lowers the quality and confidence of potential investors, who choose other paths.
In my humble opinion we must continue to oppose this phenomenon of amateurism and plagiarism.
I will always strive for this, but you know very well that where there is money there are also scammers and magicians.

In the end, bunch of amateurs. That is the core of the problem. Amateurs positioning themselves as central authorities in things they are not qualified for. It is made worse by them refusing to heed to those who know what they are doing. Is it a wonder that no serious investors want to come into the space?


Thank you for your review, @enforcer48! Keep up the good work!


Yeah... I come from an academic background, where cribbing and borrowing are dealt with harshly, so it always shocks me when folks draw or paint licensed characters and then publish them as original content. I get it---YOU drew this character so it feels like it's your work... And I frequently do interpretations of Pacman ghosts and similar figures myself, but there is a difference between making a satirical retooling or a take-off on a well known visual theme and just copying. Basquiat and Shakespeare created interpretations of well known works, but an artist or author needs to put enough of themself into the new version to make it an original work, not just a bad (or great) copy...

I appreciate that Steem respects artists' and authors' rights to their work, and the community expects the contributors here to do the same. Plagiarism doesn't fly! But it can also be frightening to put your own work out there where people might say it sucks or (even worse) ignore it completely---but that's the game, right? You share what you've written or drawn or painted or photographed, and if other folks enjoy it, great! You get upvotes... But getting upvotes by "borrowing" other people's content just ain't cool...

You have done an excellent analysis, thorough and of great culture.
As for interpreting or referring to a work of art, I agree with you.
New works can be created, but they must have a different substance that is conceptually revolutionary, as Wharol did. Many great artists have a cultural background that allows them to take models and distort them from their social, political and natural context.
I only speak of those who copy and do exercises using photographs of other artists, not free.
Great comment and a hug full of hope @richardfyates

It's not always easy to undestand what's allowed and what's not allowed...

For example, the very famous Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci:

Is there any recorded consent of the model, allowing Da Vinci to paint her? No? Then, following the rules set by some of these "Policing Services" in Steem, we should burn his painting and call Leonardo Da Vinci a fraud and a cheater. 😂

Now, can you really agree with that reasoning, Armando?

I think common sense should be more common around here.

dear friend @trincowski here is my answer
New jobs can be created, but they must have a different substance that is conceptually revolutionary, as Wharol did. Many great artists have a cultural background that allows them to take models and distort from their social, political and natural context.
I only speak of those who copy and do exercises using photographs of other artists, not free from copyrights.
The photographs are useful for painters, but better if they do it themselves, or they take them with legal consents.
All works of art recognized up to 100 years are free from copyrigths, one thing is to have a live model like Monna Lisa del Giocondo, an account is to take pictures of other artists or photographers, unauthorized!
I hope I was clear. A hug

I understand the logic, but it's not a black or white thing. Where to draw the line isn't always obvious. And Steem should have a more democratic way of dealing with these issues, as opposed to what we have now: a bunch of rich kids who woke up one day and decided they would police the site according to their own rules and opinions. 😕

They mess up more often than not. ☹️ 😬

The Steemit rules are there and must be respected, otherwise we go to Facebook or Instagram to post and share.
What I have read and seen are content plagiarized by users who also have high reps. Then new users should be well informed on how to post content, ie take photos free of copyrights.
the rest is hot air.
They went to post around on other social networks.

Excellent work Armando!! We will prevail.


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @veryspider.

Bravo Armando, ottimo post informativo, utilissimo per tutti, concetti di vitale ed essenziale importanza quelli che hai esposto

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E' una questione irrisolta, ma a sentire altri che se ne occupano in modo capillare, dopo il mio primo post, il fenomeno è calato.

Questo post è stato condiviso e votato dal team di curatori di discovery-it.

Steemit save the ARTS!

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