
actually I have been watching you for a long time, that you are too nosy and envious of other people's lives. previously I did not believe when friends told me about you. but today I have much more confidence when I intentionally do it on my blog to invite you, and you are also present with your original character, a nosy woman. I think your life is much more difficult than the beggar ... I just smile seeing your @hiddenblade behavior ..😂😂😂

Why would I be envious of your life? Let's see.. I am a real artist making my own composition with the application of color and art theory. Already had a one-man show in a prestigious gallery and had been awarded with plaques and recognized nationally with my own talent. Hmm. Who are you again? And why would I envy other people? LMAO.

if you are a good, wise artist. moreover you already have a placard, of course your thinking is more mature and genius. but if your business interferes in my art, do I ever bother you? Are you harmed by me? and what is your right to be a woman who complains other people's privacy?


Just wanna share, that is me holding my first ever national award while being interviewed for a national tv :D So I am failing the "find why hiddenblade is envious of marzukie's life" test.
Of course I am good, wise, mature and genius artist.. So I reported your act of plagiarism. Feels bad getting caught, right?

Oo.. it turns out like you're a good artist? only this time I found artists like you, who like to complain to anyone, who likes to share nude photos, what kind of artists you like to interfere with other people's business. fuck @hiddenblade 😂😂😂

Because I am a true artist, and you are a fake one. Haha. Stop claiming other artists’ works and claim to be one you dumb shit 😄 Nude photos? Lol learn art history, dumbass 😄 And stop using my photo as your discord avatar. Pathetic. You trying to be me? Haha you cant be me, sorry. 😜

And oh stop making other people believe you made your “works” with fake step by step process when in fact you just edited it on Picsart in one click. Hahaha. Stupid ass 😜

are you blind from the beginning I did use picsart, everyone knows that, you are just a fool. stupid mouth... 🖕🖕😂😂😂

I think you should shut up and just leave, here you have been humiliated and trampled. You must put up with it! And leave your rude remarks to your friends and loved ones. With these words you have confirmed that you are a small person and stupid. I hope you will be ashamed of what you write and you will understand this when you become an adult.