Ricardo Arjona - Lo Poco que Tengo (Cover Violin)

in #ntopaz6 years ago (edited)

Lo poco que tengo es una canción del cantautor guatemalteco Ricardo Arjona. Un tema que habla de las simplezas de la vida y de las cosas que valen la pena. En este tema, Arjona agradece las cosas que a veces pensamos son pequeñas e insignificantes en la vida.

Lo poco que tengo, es invitar a disfrutar de las cosas que son gratis, que las tenemos muy cerca y que nos olvidamos de tenerlas. Ricardo Arjona.

El tema habla en parte a la filosofía de la vida que dice menos es mas nos invita a reflexionar sobre lo que tenemos y no valoramos. Como dice parte del tema:

Las huellas de tus pies descalzos, el humo de la cafetera, tres cuadros surrealistas falsos, tú risa que trae primavera… aunque el tiempo este fatal, lo poco que tengo es tan poco, pero es esencial.

A menudo somos ciegos de lo que tenemos, rico no es el que mucho tiene, sino el que poco necesita. Rico es quien descubre la felicidad en lo pequeño, la belleza en lo cotidiano, la eternidad en un segundo compartido con un ser amado. Por poco que tengamos, es mucho aquello de lo que podemos disfrutar. Y, cuanto menos tengamos más fácil nos resultará descubrir todo aquello que nos envuelve, que de algún modo nos pertenece y no tiene precio.

Así que sin nada más que limitarlo mejor, dejo el tema y lo disfruto, lo bailo of y, por supuesto, si quieres comentarlo😁

What little I have is a song by Guatemalan singer-songwriter Ricardo Arjona. A subject that talks about the simplicities of life and the things that are worthwhile. In this theme, Arjona appreciates the things that we sometimes think are small and insignificant in life.

The little that I have, is to invite to enjoy the things that are free, that we have them very close and that we forget to have them. Ricardo Arjona.

The theme speaks in part to the philosophy of life that says less is more invites us to reflect on what we have and do not value. As part of the theme says:

The footprints of your bare feet, the smoke from the coffee machine, three false surreal paintings, your laugh that brings spring ... although the time is fatal, the little I have is so little, but it is essential.

We are often blind to what we have, rich is not the one who has much, but the one who needs little. Rico is the one who discovers happiness in the small, beauty in the everyday, eternity in a second shared with a loved one. As little as we have, there is much that we can enjoy. And, the less we have, the easier it will be to discover everything that surrounds us, that somehow belongs to us and has no price.

So without anything more than to limit it better I leave the topic and enjoy it, dance it 😂 and of course if you like to comment it 😁


Here is a YouTube link:

Cover made by:

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Amazing performance, i really enjoyed the song:) I think you should take part at the music contest of nTopaz, check it here: https://www.ntopaz.com/contest/48

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Thanks for sharing your music, it looks like enjoyed playing it! Just a little thing, try to have the audio line up with the visual a bit closer. Probably doesn't bother most people, but it is really disconcerting for a musician!

Looking forward to hearing more.

[nTopaz Curator]

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Very beautiful violin playing! great performance! very romantic sound!

[nTopaz Curator]

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Qué hermosa canción la que has escogido y tocado, Karen! La manera en la que la llevaste acabo fue fresca, dulce y podemos escuchar a Ricardo Arjona cantar a través de tu violín.

Sigue siempre haciendo un buen trabajo, un fuerte abrazo.

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Once again... a Beautiful Violin cover.

Your music just keeps getting better + better, as does the video production values/quality.

Hope the electricity stays on because it is impossible to create music Posts without electricity.

I know from talking with You that You are supporting Your Family with FOOD from the money You earn with these video Posts... this is how incredibly difficult the situation is in Venezuela...

Well Done Karen !!

Me fascina el sonido del violin! Ssludos amiga linda.

Un tema espectacular. Los pequeños detalles hacen grandes diferencias. Creo que cuando tenemos eso presente experimentamos una felicidad invaluable.

Cómo siempre, tu presentación es encantadora. La disfruté 💝

Por cierto te invito a participar en el concurso musical