Understanding Nucleus Vision Retail and Security

in #nucleusvision7 years ago

Did you know that Nucleus Vision has built the world's first internet of things which is based on a contactless identification system across the blockchain? They have also built the largest universal loyalty program sing nCash. They are here to enable retailers to sell their products and at the same time keep them safe. Costs will be minimized, and this will lead to great profits.

Nucleus Vision Retail

This retail will allow retailers across the world to build and execute customer-focused shopping experience. Data will be leveraged from both the online channels and in-person. The platform uses sensors, a blockchain, and intelligent analytics to come up with solutions that are automatic to generate customer loyalty.

Nucleus Vision has IoT solutions that provide insights into the behavior of the customers that were not possible in the past. They will create the ability to track the customer visits to aisles paths taken in store, brands and favorite products. It will also help to predict the future customer behavior in the store. This provides customer satisfaction by creating a personalized customer experience.

The blockchain enabled technology will enable Nucleus Vision to connect the online and the offline world seamlessly. They will enhance the shipping experience of retailers and their respective customers with 91 million physical stores globally. Access will happen in real time.

There have been scenarios where giant corporations around the globe have monetized their customer data solely for their own benefit. This has helped them to maintain exclusive control over the data. The power of data monetization to the customers can now be shifted by Nucleus Vision, and this will enable them to take full control of their own data and have the power to monetize it. They will use the nCash token as the currency for exchange of data, remunerating data providers and rewarding customers for sharing their data.

The nucleus vision security

IoT is going to be a huge opportunity in the coming years. The nucleus vision is going to bring in the industry comprehensive and intelligent solution that is cognizant of privacy. The existence of the smart sensors will become indispensable components of wider industrial, residential and commercial security system. This will be achieved through identification of potential threats and intruders and transmitting the data securely to concerned authorities over the blockchain network.

Information can be utilized in real time security where the premises can be monitored to ensure that unexpected persons and attackers can be barred from access completely. Data will be transferred between different parties securely, thanks to the nCash tokens and the sensors. This will enable an ecosystem of secure, independent, trustless and permissionless exchange of data over the blockchain.

Most people fear to do business online because of fear of insecurity. The fear can be justified because there have been millions of scenarios where people’s accounts on the internet have been hacked and a lot of money stolen. Nucleus Vision is going to put an end to this and provide secure ways to do business.

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