Endocrine and Integumentary System HomeworksteemCreated with Sketch.

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Endocrine and Integumentary System Homework

I. Explain the homeostasis of hormone

-Hormonal release is regulated by the endocrine system with positive and negative feedback systems that which target the specific sights or gland
and are regulated by chemical hormonal and neural factors that help maintain homeostasis within the human body.

II. Differentiate type 1 and type 2 diabetes:

-TYPE 1 DM: most common in pediatrics, dx is rare prior to 9mths and peaks at 12 yrs with two distinct types idiopathic and autoimmune
-TYPE 2 DM: is non-insulin dependent dm, genetic-environmental, risk factors are age, obesity, htn, physical inactivity, & family hx

III. Describe the common degenerative effects of diabetes

-DIABETIC RETINOPATHY: results from relative hypoxemia, damage to the retinal blood vessel, rbc aggregation and htn
-DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY: most common cause of chronic kidney disease and end stage kidney disease, the glomeruli are injured from hyperglycemia with hyper-filtration occurring by increases in proximal tubular reabsorption, and by intraglomerular htn exacerbated by systemic htn, microalbuminuria is the first sign of diabetic kidney dysfunction
-DIABETIC NEUROPATHY: most common cause of neuropathy in the west, pathology includes both metabolic and vascular factors related to hyperglycemia with ischemia and demyelination contributing to nueral changes and delayed conduction
-cardiovascular disease: cad is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in pt’s with dm resulting in chf, stroke and/or pvd

IV. List the possible causes of diabetes insipidus

-DIABETES INSIPIDUS is an insufficiency of adh activity, leading to polyuria and polydispnia with two forms such as neurogenic or central di (caused by any organic lesion of the hypothalamus, pituitary stalk or posterior pituitary interferes with adh synthesis, transport or release most well- recognized with traumatic brain injury) and nephrogenic di is caused by inadequate response of the renal tubules to adh, is usually acquired or may be genetic.

V. Describe the causes and lesions associated with the inflammatory conditions psoriasis,
pemphigus, and scleroderma

-Psoriasis is a skin condition in which increase in mitotic activity of the cells in the malpighian layer of the epidermis that have shorter than normal cell cycle causing the skin to thicken and redden with dry patches of flaky skin
-Pemphigus is an Autoimmune acantholysis (Loss of intraepidermal cohesion) resulting in erosions and/or blisters
-Scleroderma is described as a chronic hardening & tightening of the skin and connective tissues causing redness and swelling (inflammation)

VI. Distinguish between bacterial infections impetigo and furuncles

-A furuncle is a inflammation of the hair follicles usually caused by community acquired methicillin resistant S. aureus which can has a thick yellowish purulent exudent and impetigo is a superficial lesion of the skin caused by a coagulase-positive Staphylococcus or beta-hemolytic streptococci.

VII. Describe the viral infections herpes simplex and warts

-Herpes Simplex are skin infections caused by 2 types of viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 is transmitted by contact with infected saliva and HSV-2 is spread by skin to skin mucous membrane contact. Warts are skin infections caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that which infects the stratified epithelium of skin and mucous membranes.

VIII. Compare the skin cancers, describing the lesion, predisposing factors, and spread of squamous
cells carcinoma, malignant melanoma, and Kaposi’s sarcoma

-Squamous Cell Carcinoma is a tumor of the epidermis, it is the 2nd most common skin cancer with two types referred to as In Situ and Invasive. The lesions appear whitish in discoloration. Predisposing factors are exposure to UV radiation, High levels of arsenic in the drinking water, X-Ray and Gamma-Ray exposure,, immunosuppression, and light colored skin.

-Malignant Melanoma is considered to be the most serious skin cancer. Also referred to as Cutaneous Melanoma it originates from melanocytes, cells that synthesize the pigment melanin and arise from the neural crest. The lesions are a result of malignant degeneration of melanocytes located either along the basal layer of the epidermis or in a benign melanocytic nevus (moles). The lesions change shape with irregular borders. Predisposing factors include genetics, UV radiation exposure, immuno-supression, fair hair, light skin with repeated sunburns, freckles, younger females and older males, geographic location, past pesticide exposure, and 3 or more clinically atypical nevi (moles)

-Kaposi Sarcoma is a vascular malignancy associated with immunodeficiency states and occurs among transplant recipients taking immuno-suppressive drugs. The lesions emerge as purplish brown macule and develop into plaques and nodules with angio-proliferation typically appearing in the lower extremities. Predisposing factors include genetic, environmental, and dx of AIDS.

IX. Describe the structure of a hair follicle, including any gland associated with it

-The structure of the hair follicle is an indentation in the skin lined with epithelial cells from the base of which a hair grows. A sebaceous gland opens into the hair follicle and a smooth muscle is attached.

X. Describe the location of resident normal flora related to the skin and its appendages

-Resident flora are present on the skin in all areas but are more numerous in hairy areas. They may vary in constituents in different areas and are found deep in the hair follicles and glands, as well as on the surface of the skin.

XI. List the functions of the skin

-The skin acts as a mechanical barrier preventing passage of foreign material/objects/microorganisms, it maintains the bodies temperature, prevents fluid loss as well as aids in excretion and responds to sensory stimuli. The skin also synthesizes Vitamin D from the sun.

XII. State the hormonal imbalance involved in each of the following disorders and list two significant effects of each condition

a. Gigantism- hypersecretion of growth hormone in children and adolesence
b. Cretinism- is often caused by the under secretion of growth hormone by the pituitary gland.
c. Pheochromocytoma-occurs as a result of a rare tumor in the cells of the adrenal glands. The tumor causes the adrenal glands to make too much epinephrine and norepinephrine as a result the blood pressure and heart rate increases.
d. Myxedema- is severely advanced hypothyroidism, it is a result of not enough thyroxine being secreted by the thyroid gland. Some effects of Myxedema are cold intolerance, lethargy and a low metabolic rate.
e. Acromegaly- hyper-secretion of growth hormone during adulthood
f. Diabetes Insipidus- inability to concentrate their urine, lack of adh, polyuria and polydyspnia, neurologic- insufficient adh, nephrologic- inadequate response to adh, manifestations are related to enhanced water

XIII. Explain why untreated Addison’s disease could be life threatening

-The adrenal glands secrete cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that helps the body respond to stress, help maintain b/p cardio function, helps slow the inflammatory
response, helps regulate metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If the adrenal glands don’t produce enough Cortisol body systems will fail.

XIV. How would characteristics of the urine differ in untreated diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus?

-The urine of an untreated diabetic will be high in glucose and the urine specific gravity will be high where as the urine specific gravity of a diabetes insipidus patient will be low
and the urine will be diluted.

XV. Why may a spontaneous fracture occur in persons with hyperparathyroidism?

-Hyperparathyroidism reduces the bodies calcium levels resulting in increased bone fragility.