Pathophysiology Homework AssignmentsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #nursing6 years ago

Chapter 4 and 5 Review and Objectives

I. Describe the locations of intracellular and extracellular fluid:

-Intracellular Fluid: This fluid is located within the cell membrane and contains water, electrolytes and proteins.
-Extracellular Fluid: is bodily fluids that is not contained in cells. It is found in blood, in lymph, in body cavities lined with serous (moisture-exuding) membrane, in the cavities and channels of the brain and spinal cord, and in muscular and other body tissues.

II. Which makes up the higher proportion of body fluid, intracellular fluid or extracellular fluid

-Intracellular Fluid

III. How does the proportion of fluid in the body change with age

-The proportion of fluid decreases with age throughout the life-span.

IV. State three possible causes of metabolic acidosis

-Infection (increased basal metabolic rate)
-renal disease (retention of acids)
-diabetic ketoacidosis (increased acid production)

V. A diabetic client is producing excess amounts of ketoacids.

a. Describe the effects of this excess on serum bicarbonate levels and serum pH

-Ketoacids bind with bicarbonate ions, decreasing serum bicarbonate and serum pH.

b. Explain the possible compensations for this imbalance

-Respirations increase. Kidneys excrete more acids and increase bicarbonate production and reabsorption.

c. Describe the signs of this compensation

-Rate and depth of breathing increase and urine has a low pH.

VI. Describe how very slow, shallow respirations are likely to affect:

a. PCO2

-Increase in PCO2

b. Serum pH

-decrease in serum pH (increase carbonic acid)

VII. How are sodium and potassium levels controlled in the body

-Sodium and Potassium levels are regulated by a hormone produced from the adrenal glands known as Aldosterone.

VIII. Explain how hyperchloremia affects the acid base balance

-Hyperchloremia is an electrolyte disturbance in which there is an elevated level of the chloride ions in the blood. This increase in chloride disturbs the bodies natural acid base balance which can be indicative of renal failure as the kidneys aid in regulating chloride concentration in the blood. The normal serum range for chloride is 96 to 106 mEq/L.

IX. Explain the role of pathophysiology in the diagnosis and treatment of disease

-Pathophysiology requires the use of knowledge of basic anatomy and physiology and is based on a loss of or a change in normal structure and function. Many disorders affecting a particular system or organ, for example the liver, display a set of common signs and symptoms directly related to that organ's normal structure and function. Also, basic pathophysiologic concepts related to the causative factors of a disease, such as the processes of inflammation or infection are common to many diseases. While studying pathophysiology, the student becomes aware of the complexity of many diseases, the difficulties encountered in diagnosis and treatment, and the possible implications arising from a list of signs and symptoms or a prognosis.

X. List the common causes of cell damage

-Ischemia- deficit of oxygen in the cells
-Hypoxia- reduced O2 in tissues
-Physical damage- excessive heat/cold, radiation exposure
-Mechanical damage- pressure/tearing of tissue
-Chemical toxins- exogenous: from the environment, endogenous: from inside the body
-Microorganisms- bacteria and viruses
-Abnormal metabolites- genetic disorders, inborn errors of metabolism, altered metabolism
-Nutritional deficits
-Imbalance of fluids/ electrolytes

XI. Describe the common types of cell necrosis and the possible outcomes

-Liquefaction necrosis: dead cells liquefy due to release of cell enzymes (brain/nerve tissue)
-Coagulative necrosis: cell proteins are altered or denatured- coagulation (like cooking an egg, heart after an MI)
-Fat necrosis: fatty tissue is broken down into fatty acids
-Caseous necrosis: form of coagulation necrosis, thick, yellowish, "cheesy" substance forms (lungs in a TB pt)
-Gangrenous: Death of tissue from severe hypoxic injury (dry vs wet gangrene)
-Gas Gangrene: Caused by Clostridium